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(2009.Sep.21 12:44 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Why did she make collectibles to begin with then? Guess that was a waste of her time too?

It was a polite political strike back at the whining contest losers.


Talk about not playing favorites or letting her personal feelings influence the game. She makes no effort to even aknowledge a unpresidented poll of this size. Why? Because she doesn't like me? I haven't donated enough? Don't tell me it's not something that most of the active community is behind. The votes so show it. Also don't tell me it's something hard for her to work on, ffs what would she have to do other than copying and pasting some code from another collectible, and changing the name to Beer?
Shes a biitch hater!


You say the sweetest things Dingus. Come'ere and let me tell ya somethin. Smile
Love you babe. Let this thread die a little. I will make one and it will be implemented


Tell you what. The second I can buy a beer, I'll let this thread drop. I've been trying to let it go until the thread gets to the bottom of my screen, before I post. I typed my little fingers off to campaign for this. Out of sight out of mind. I refuse to let that happen. On the bright side it's not the dumbest thread out there and there's always the mark as read button. Smile
I think I want to have babies with you....

Just Sayin.....


beer babies.
Why not, we have jelly babies.


Bar babies. lmfao Don't you just wanna smack them women in the head?


Can you tick hunt beer, and if so can you buy more than one at a time?
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