Wonder if Zen or Err realize how much money people would spend on sending a beer or some bacon to folks? Bet it would make alot more than the collectibles do now.
Nice poll results too. Almost 200 votes. Know anyone who hasn't voted yet?
OOOHHH got another no vote. Amazing you play this game at all. You'll do any of the crimes, but don't want to send a beer or bacon to someone? How many beer drinking contest have we done? Would like to hear from some of you no voters. Got a reason or just grumpy and no is always the answer?
Con Games and Fraud Action Point Cost
Three Shells Con Game 1
Two Dice Con Game 1
Coin Con 2
Insurance Fraud 23
Forgery 25
Ponzi Scheme 27
Burglary Action Point Cost
Car 4
Trailer 5
Mobile Home 6
House 7
Robbery Action Point Cost
Simple Mugging 3
Targeted Mugging 4
Group Mugging 6
Pickpocketting Action Point Cost
Drifter 3
Tourist 4
Monorail Station 5
Decatur International Airport 6
Decatur International Airport Security 28
Shoplifting Action Point Cost
Liquor Store 3
Discount Drug Store 4
Drug Crimes Action Point Cost
Simple Meth Lab 7
Complex Meth Lab 22
Computer Crimes Action Point Cost
Simple ALOL Hack 5
Surveillance Action Point Cost
Following a simple target 1
Gang Surveillance 24
Police Surveillance 26
Grand Theft Auto Action Point Cost
Steal an old clunker 9
Steal a car 12
Steal a classic car 16
Steal a luxury car 18
Steal a sports car 21
Arson Action Point Cost
Field 3
Abandoned Building 10
F'ing Cheaters. We'll never get our bacon beers now.

Last 10 messages to/from this player:
3:58 am The meth is to earn money, not to play around and be silly. There would be no point in getting drunk, at all.
2.Aug.09 Whats the point of playing a game you can sell meth but can't drink? Thanks for the no vote. At least you voted jerk.
2.Aug.09 It gets more people talking to each other and alot more fun than sending a badge or belittling someone with a violin.
2.Aug.09 What? You can send collectibles already, what's the point in wasting money on alchohol.
Please vote in this poll. I'm trying to get a beer, shot or drink added to the list of items we are able to send to other players.

This male just told us not to have fun and be silly playing a game!!!!
Bawhahahaha ok

This is so sad. 195 people just left me talking to myself.

has anyone pitched the idea of a bacon eating contest?