(2009.Dec.20 06:41 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]dnbrocks girl, your getting on my nerve now. I hope your into s & m too!!!
i know your proud of your little thread and you really should be, but you should face the facts. zen isn't going to do what you are asking for in the thread. i voted yes on the poll just like 190 other people but it hasn't made a difference and its really annoying how this thread gets bumped all the time.
you'll get over it. Now go away, your bothering me kid.
I voted yes but I too am tired of this thread.
(2009.Dec.20 03:57 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]you'll get over it. Now go away, your bothering me kid.
Just let this die. you've been at it for how long 2 years?
Then quit posting in it. LOL You only see it now when it gets three pages back. Cut me some slack. You don't see it everyday. Plus you can always just mark it read. You'll thank me one day when you can drink a nice cold virtual beer.

Just ask a mod to lock it. I don't think they would mind.