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First off, it was pretty exciting when all our members (499,498,497) were in the hospital. That was fun.
Anyways, I just wanted to add a few things. PLease keep the competitions going. I think that they have real potential, at least when a better layout is designed. The "no ranking" idea is pretty nice I think. Or even personal rankings that only you can see.
While I am angry at being at the mercy of level 20s and 30s, I realize that they really just want to win this competition. It just sucks that they have to circumvent the real purpose.
And, let's all salute Dayute for the great work he did during the competition. As far as I know, he is done with AL, following yesterdays debacle.
Three cheers for Dayute!! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
Well said FZ. Dayute was a lot of fun to have in the Phamily. He'll be missed.
All the BS for what amounts to +1 humanity and 250,000 game dollars. Its a little more than what $10 donatiing would get you cash wise.
That said, Im kinda soured on the contests and wont be participating anymore.
::takes ball. Goes home::
Now are you all happy? PhisheVA has taken our only ball. Just great. Now there wont be any kickball contest.
::picks at grass, throws pebbles at homeplate::
:: makes a mudpie and listens ta frank zappa, then goes phishin' ::
syntheticdarkness Wrote:Also it is really frustrating to the higher level people when they stay up all night(24 hours) and then the level 12's or whatever pass them only playing for 18 hours. So you have to see the higher levels point of view also, they don't think it's very fair that the lower levels can play less and get same results as the higher levels that play 24 hours.
Actually this is untrue. In theory a level 12 and a level 31 will make appox. the same amount of points in the same amount of time. Therefore it takes the dedication by both the level 12 and the level 31 in order to win.
Eaglefreak Wrote:Actually this is untrue. In theory a level 12 and a level 31 will make appox. the same amount of points in the same amount of time. Therefore it takes the dedication by both the level 12 and the level 31 in order to win.
This has been proven incorrect.
mtngti Wrote:This has been proven incorrect.
By Who? And confirmed with Zenith? Or is this just a players POV?
Myself and TheGeek started the competition at the same time and up till he quit we were neck and neck. We work togeather and sitting accross from each other so there was NO cheating of extra trains inbetween. Are you sure your facts or correct?
I was there for it too, I was neck and neck with Eagle before he quit even when I leveled.
mtngti Wrote:Eaglefreak Wrote:Actually this is untrue. In theory a level 12 and a level 31 will make appox. the same amount of points in the same amount of time. Therefore it takes the dedication by both the level 12 and the level 31 in order to win.
This has been proven incorrect.
true, the statement in incorrect, you make different amounts of points. but the standings for individuals at least is not numerical, it is a percentage of max possible points. so it is not easier for a lvl 12 than a lvl 31.
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