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Quote:Hey Zenith, can we add list of biggest whiners to the Pantheon or will that overload the server?
Best more contests.
I am sure the whole server would give up.
It dont matter what is done, what comps are held, what implements are introduced, someone will moan and complain about it not being fair.
I think there is nothing wrong with attacking people, i know its a pain in the ass when your trying to win a comp but this is a gang/war/cyborg game and that is part of the game. You dont get to the top by being nice, you get there by kicking as much ass and doing as many crimes as you can.
just my 2 penny worth before i go to bed.
You have a point but would this not be fair for the lower levels?Especially when they are 25 levels above you and you dont get a chance to hit them back. I dont see that theres a chance for lower levels to win while they dont even have money to buy stimpacks or chances to retaliate.
Its like any comp/event you can not expect to win if your not the most dedicated, strongest, best person. If your a low level then train, fight and claw your way to the top. It takes hard work and stamina to win. It also requires a high level of dedication. If someone bigger and stronger then you is bullying thier way to the top then try and think of a way to better them.
By the way i have no suggestions as to how you could do that. :?
the problem is that this is an activity contest, not a who can claw their way to the top contest. zenith designed it specifically so that anyone can physically win, but apparently there is a nice little advantage for the stronger
plus something thats not considered (just for the record) - if you have JUST hit a level where your AP refreshes +1 higher, then you have a MUCH better chance of getting a high score since you proportionally refresh faster than most other players. i was hurt because that +1 was 2 or 3 levels ago for me, but i also havent been active enough to stay in the top 5 anyway. just thought i'd throw those thoughts out there
There are many lower members who are gung ho players and would most likely have stayed up for many hours to try to win. But like it was said higher players just bully their way up to win and not even have to be on much. It is very easy to have a watch schedule set up to where somebody in the gang is always on and they can work on shooting with their APs and attack with energy. You can do it with other games like BioNightmare. I have had the 5 and 6 hour watch there keeping an eye out for runners. It's just bad when Lady Zenith sets up a contest so anyone "SHOULD" be able to have a chance to win only to have others ruin it. Especially when somebody attacks you online and you say they are desperate then you get hospitalized. LOL I do not want to say anyone or any gang in particular is desperate as a certain someone may decide to hospitalize me again while I am online still if "P" I mention "U" his name "LL" again in the "O" forums. HEHE
Quote:Best more contests.
Thats the best idea yet, they have been nothing but trouble. Xmas one was the best but its been all down hill since then
i think contests are great, just dont rank the contenders. maybe list the top 100 but in no order or something like that, or if you are going to make it a contest such as this, make hospitalizing not even an option during the contest itself and make leaving slightly reduced hospital time - spirit of the contest. it would only be temporary and i think that would solve a lot of issues, and if people like pullo (only naming him b/c hes the one up to question and because hes the strongest.. ever? ) are willing to put people in the hospital constantly for 15-20 minutes at a time, its going to be costly for them
Ugh.. I can be so slow sometimes.. I read about the competition then promptly forgot about it. :oops:
Knowing I was late and not fully as active as some, I decided not to take part and have stuck to the training and collecting cash so I can get a little bit ahead of some folks.
I like the idea of only showing your own ranking though... might solve that problem.. depending on whether or not you see it as a problem. In any competative online game, you're going to get those at the top who want to win. That's just the way of it...
no more competitions for me. lost its fun. i'd rather not get destroyed by people almost 20 levels higher than me. i guess i'll have to wait until i'm level thirty-something before i can get into these things. it was fun while it lasted. i hope winning really is worth all that for the people who have ruined this contest for 90% of the people who were playing it.
I wouldn't rule out competitions all together, but there probably should have been some secrecy in the leaderboard so that the violence lvl stayed low.
Also it is really frustrating to the higher level people when they stay up all night(24 hours) and then the level 12's or whatever pass them only playing for 18 hours. So you have to see the higher levels point of view also, they don't think it's very fair that the lower levels can play less and get same results as the higher levels that play 24 hours.
Anyway, the people that are complaining and quiting the game over this contest need to realize that it's just one contest and hopefully Zenith will continue to do them.
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