2007.May.04, 07:35 PM
2007.May.04, 08:40 PM
The point is the way Zenith has it set up the only way to be ahead of some one else is to use more of your total AP throughout the contest.
2007.May.05, 01:34 AM
How is it we always find a way to suck the life out of competition? Come on guys/ladies, this is a game. Some individuals play harder than others, it's unfortunate, but it happens. If the creator(s) of this game have done such an outstanding job so far why don't you guys trust your admin? Not everything will be 100% fair 100% of the time. It's life, move on. I participated my butt of in this competition and am currently in thirteenth place. Not where I expected to be but hey, I gave it my best shot. It's not the admins fault, and it's not another players fault. I feel for individuals that had a legitimate opportunity to win this competition had it not been for very aggressive attacks. However, it is a tactic. All you can do is move on, train harder, get your stats up and gear up for the next competition. Stop with the insults and the nastiness that come with it. This is not the place, nor will it ever be. Think about what you say before you say it.
This can be a game of criminals with honor. Let's just try and work together and have some fun while doing so. Competitions are a big part of this game, and believe me, if you want to win it, you need to be at the top of your game. It is very true that the higher ranked players have the strength to defeat any and all other below them, but be smart on how you fight back. Instead of posting about it, get with your gang mates, allies and others to assist you in ridding the threat. There is always a solution to a problem. Just try to be a little more respectful to one another in the future.
This can be a game of criminals with honor. Let's just try and work together and have some fun while doing so. Competitions are a big part of this game, and believe me, if you want to win it, you need to be at the top of your game. It is very true that the higher ranked players have the strength to defeat any and all other below them, but be smart on how you fight back. Instead of posting about it, get with your gang mates, allies and others to assist you in ridding the threat. There is always a solution to a problem. Just try to be a little more respectful to one another in the future.
2007.May.05, 02:58 AM
Eaglefreak Wrote:It works like this:
Player A has 40 max AP
Player B has 20 max AP
Player C has 10 max AP
Player A gets 1 point for every AP spent maxing 40 points
Player B gets 2 points for every AP spent maxing 40 points
Player C gets 4 points for every AP spent maxing 40 points
Bad that dont remeber refresh rates for low levels but i try to give example:
Two player one level is 33 he have refresh rate 8 and max 69 ap
and second one who level is 35 He have refresh rate 8 to and max 73 ap
They both start from 0 ap afret 15 minuts both will have 24 ap and when they spend it first one get more points becouse his max ap is smaler that secound one who max ap is biger so that isnt fair and i afraid
in lower level diference could be biger. So system with only use max ap for shootout points gain cant be perfect
2007.May.05, 04:27 AM
Well said ushanewnewba! 8)
2007.May.05, 04:50 AM
Quote:badmanbren Posted: 05 May 2007 03:27
Well said ushanewnewba!
I second that. very well said.
2007.May.05, 05:14 AM
Great post Ush, can someone lock this now, I think it has been beaten to death resurrected then beaten again. Time to move on
2007.May.05, 06:22 AM
2007.May.05, 08:13 AM
Since this was a huge marathon competition, I hope Zen will award top 5 individual guys substantial prizes. I mean...u guys worked ur butt off for 5 days.
Hopefully Ares has a gun or two in the program they want to try on others :-)
Hopefully Ares has a gun or two in the program they want to try on others :-)

2007.May.05, 09:06 AM
top 5 probably sleep like 2 hours per day lol