TheGeek is not a mod. Nor was he ever. Nor will he ever be, lol.
I know of no mod that hits people online or offline, because of forum talk. That one is up for debate, as I only know of my own actions.
I have hit people during forum fights, but that was only due to in-game mail banter. I will hosp someone talking drek to me in game, but in the forums, I refuse to care that much what others think of me, lol.
It's a tough line to walk, sometimes I am in RP mode like in the SV/Val/Diss war, that was all role playing. But, right now I would be the mod. And sometimes it's actually me
But again, no one has asked me to hit anyone due to a forum post, nor would I because of a forum post.. Other mods would have to weigh in, I try not to speak for them too much.