I'm going to post my comments on this as how I see it.
For the most part, it seems that it's only just the really really high end players that are complaining about this.
To me, it's your own fault, you want to be the fastest, badest in the game, well there is a price to pay for that. You out leveled and out trained everyone else and left them in the dust and now you are complaining that you don't have enough viable targets without doing online hits. That's not the Admin's fault, it's your own.
No there is nothing in the game against online hits, it's always just been that way. I'm not saying that you higher levels have been jerks and said Ok I'm the best doesn't matter what you say I'm going to attack you no matter what. I commend you on this an think that it's been great that you all have not been jerks
But it still comes back to the fact that you all are SO high that the only value in targets are those that are just as active as you. The problem with this is, you two are so powerful that no one else has a chance. (didn't mean to single Vor and Pullo out but they are unbeatable.) So if you guys do start to do online hits, the other ppl who are trying to catch you won't have a chance because they will be in the hospital all the time while onlie.
It's great you guys are the best in the game, however, it sucks to be at the top sometimes.
Just my thoughts on the matter.