Lack of upper level players to attack
2008.Jan.15, 09:49 PM
Lack of upper level players to attack
Post: #1
For quite some time now, upper level players have been having difficulty finding offline players to attack for experience.

There are a few reasons for this:

1. It takes much time and patience to train and get to level 30+, so fewer players have achieved this.

2. The existing higher level players achieved their weighted status by being online and playing many hours every day. Because they are hardly ever offline (except to sleep. yes they even play at work!) Smile, and because most players wait to attack until game status is "offline," there are a very limited number of realistic targets to attack.

3. You can't attack members of your own gang, so that further diminishes the pool of attackable players.

4. The retirement district has taken a good number of attackable inactive players.

In the past I had suggested about a dozen high level NPCs be added so that there would be more available targets for PVP combat. Seeing that was something that was never realized, I have another suggestion.

ONLINE attacks. All of the higher level players generally carry stims. So this may be a viable option. This isn't against the rules, but i'd like to know how everyone feels about online attacks being the rule rather than the exception?
2008.Jan.15, 10:10 PM
Post: #2
Don't be afraid to reply. I'm genuinely interested in how all the higher level players feel about this (30 +).

If anybody has other ideas, that would be cool too.

I thought the ghost idea was good, but it's extra work for zen.

Maybe we can come up with an idea that requires nothing of Zen.

Beuller? Bueller? Anybody?
2008.Jan.15, 10:20 PM
Post: #3
Could make a player vs police type thing. Would require different code though, and would need to be somewhat scalable compared to your strength. That way you won't know if you will win in advance Smile

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2008.Jan.15, 10:23 PM
Post: #4
how about some sort of shooting range that gives you exp. not as much as an attack, but much more than all the crimes. it will take AP but less energy than an attack.

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.
2008.Jan.15, 10:25 PM
Post: #5
zenith Wrote:Could make a player vs police type thing. Would require different code though, and would need to be somewhat scalable compared to your strength. That way you won't know if you will win in advance Smile

Sounds interesting. Could you explain what you have in mind?
2008.Jan.15, 10:32 PM
Post: #6
there should be training dummy ( or NPC ) for everybody in each region/district based on the average of the players in that area/district. i do understand that players that have stuck around for sometime (30-50+ in level) and have invested $$$ and time should get some sort of reward or way to level. i believe an NPC would help them out.

one problem with this is that people could level too quickly if every area/district had these NPC dummies to trian on.
2008.Jan.15, 10:34 PM
Post: #7
I have also tried to bring this up - even tried to start an online attacking trend.

Waiting 15, 20, 30, however many minutes is going to be a hard habit for some to break, but I think online attacking will allow everyone to spread things out a bit more.

Would love to see the ghosts introduced, but there was no admin feedback on that idea. Would love to see more NPC's, but for whatever reason, that's a no go as well.

Level 30+ players should definitely be making enough money to stim out a couple times a day - and really, if targets are expanded to both online and offline players, they won't have to stim much more than that.

Let's give it another go!
2008.Jan.15, 10:35 PM
Post: #8
I am by no means a high level player, but i'd love a paradigm shift to include an increased number of online attacks. The game is a lot more competitive and, frankly, fun when you can exchange a volley of online hits. I feel like for that to happen stims need to be more affordable for all players. The opportunity cost of attacking players is usually/detrimentally high in this game. If I attacked 9/10 players within 3 levels of me online, I could expect to sacrifice either 12-36 hours of training due to retaliatory hospitalizations or $20,000 in stims if I want to avoid missing too many trains. I can only imagine that problem gets compounded when you only have a handful of players within a reasonable number of levels.

::makes reservations in the ICU::
2008.Jan.15, 10:38 PM
Post: #9
Ya know, that's a good point. The attacks would be more evenly spread out if everyone attacked onliners when there are no offliners to attack..

As far as leveling too fast, that's a load of bull. Do you realize just how many experience pts one needs to get from level 49 to 50? OVER 312K!!!

You should be able to do as many attacks as your energy will allow!
2008.Jan.15, 10:44 PM
Post: #10
for those that war... how about more online attacks (*not hospitolizations*)

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.