Lack of upper level players to attack
2008.Jan.16, 08:46 AM
Post: #61
Isn't being top level the eventuality that ANY game faces? The remedy to that is equipment farming. Since we don't have that remedy, I say let it fester till there are more players on the top of the mountain. Isn't that what everyone else does?

Maybe there should be some added coding: maybe a stat that everyone has to start fresh on, an added section to the game with specialized skills, a better variety of weapons at the top rather than the bottom, or maybe a way to equipment farm.

What we are seeing right now are the crossroads that every game meets (over and over again). Top players asking for more, lower players asking for more.
2008.Jan.16, 08:52 AM
Post: #62
LuparKoor Wrote:
jiggaj Wrote:we need more than that i think to solve this issue

Define "that"

That's a very very vague statement, you could've been responding to anything mentioned in this 4 page forum post.

That's kind of like if I just posted "good" and didn't say anything else.

i was referring to the comment above me, sorry to confuse.

i still say having a Fight Club in each district would help.
2008.Jan.16, 09:01 AM
Post: #63
this may be a stupid idea but how about players who are there just to be attacked. like an NPC but run by real players/staff. These NPC's can lvl and train but do not attack and do not work.

i know it sounds very weak at the moment but i am sure some people would take these NPC's on. Zen would have control and would have to pick players she can trust. they should have no money, items that cannot be sold (they could be the police, standard issue wpns, armour etc)

just my 2p worth. I still love the game but am taking a break (i would come back if i could be a

edit - if a player is attacked then the police could follow up if the player complains, the police might not win the fight if they dont then the attacker gets more exp if they do then the attacker gets jail time. the identity of your attacker could be hidden for the first few attacks in each day. The arrest could be a random factor based on reputation etc
2008.Jan.16, 10:30 AM
Post: #64
how about 100xp for a gang war victory and 200xp for a successful defense.

I view XP as a way to measure what you have learned. Pullo can attack me all day and it would be akin to a pro football team playing against a high school team. What would he really learn from that fight that he did not already know? so besides the gang war option I propose the following:

An experiance boost for those that do 50% or more damage to you

shorter Hospital stays for NPC and inactives

Those two actions will increase the XP gain of the lower levels thus increasing the number of higher levels over time.

Of course you could do an XP thing similar to the careers for wars as well.

You get a set number of XP based on your hit/repair.

well those are a few suggestions I thought of in the last 3 minutes feel free to blast away.

Pullo as far as Im concerned you can attack me all day...everyone else does Wink
2008.Jan.16, 10:52 AM
Post: #65
I support the fight club idea!

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.
2008.Jan.16, 10:56 AM
Post: #66
Saerin Wrote:Of course you could do an XP thing similar to the careers for wars as well.

You get a set number of XP based on your hit/repair.

Works for me. It would entice some of the slacker ass players to hit the hideouts a little harder...
2008.Jan.16, 11:35 AM
Post: #67
Druchii Wrote:The solution isn't no more retirement district, and I'm pretty sick at how often that is being suggested as the solution to everything.

I think Zen should definitely eliminate the retirement district. I'll keep saying it because it makes sense. Sorry it makes you sick. :roll:

It's not the "solution to everything", and the idea has never been offered as such, but it will add some more targets and eliminate a bit of the clog.
2008.Jan.16, 12:11 PM
Post: #68
I don't believe anything needs to be changed.
To make a game change for the sake of a tiny percentage of the population is ludicrous.
There are many very good up and coming players who are able to level up and progress in the manner the game intended.
The population continues to grow and there are more and more lvl 30 plus players all the time.

Let our game creators create and make changes to the game that are inline with their design, not cater to the minority.

I have no problem with the retirement district.
2008.Jan.16, 12:46 PM
Post: #69
mtngti Wrote:
Druchii Wrote:The solution isn't no more retirement district, and I'm pretty sick at how often that is being suggested as the solution to everything.

I think Zen should definitely eliminate the retirement district. I'll keep saying it because it makes sense. Sorry it makes you sick. :roll:

It's not the "solution to everything", and the idea has never been offered as such, but it will add some more targets and eliminate a bit of the clog.

The point is too make permanent solutions, not scratch the itch.

And why shouldn't the top people be forced to eventually level slower so that people can catch up? Top people already have MASSIVE advantages versus lower leveled people. In income from crime (higher AP regen, bigger AP bar, access to better paying crimes), higher training rate (higher EP refresh, EP bar and higher happiness refresh to go with it), with exeption from Rafals daily 20hosp's from Pullo you are exposed to no hospital time since no one can attack you each time you venture away from the computer more then 15min (going by the courtesy rules), and top people doesn't need to spend cash on stims, so you don't even have that money pit.

And on top of that you get to access the new districts before anyone else allowing you to sell the new weapons and armor for a whopping 80% gain.

Why you need to have it easier to increase the already growing gap?

Relax, play the game for fun, let people catch up a bit. Cause you are playing the game with virtually no opposition. Or is that your idea of having fun? And if you want to be able to level faster, then the people lower leveled need some form of easier leveling to have the faintest idea to catch up. Cause even long term games like these, they are no fun if you are cut of from competing with the best due to top people advantages.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2008.Jan.16, 12:52 PM
Post: #70
"Relax," he says, after going on a muti paragraph rant.

Take your own advice - seriously!

Why should the "top people be forced" to slow down? Why should people who play hard be punished for doing so?