(2012.Jan.19 04:30 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: (2012.Jan.19 02:39 PM)spacebird Wrote: but let's face it, the mods have never been on the same page and the forum rules are open to interpretation...but not reasoning. kind of like the auto-ban for someone quoting a statement that breaks forum rules. i never did understand this. could a mod weigh in on it and tell me why quoting something can result in a ban?
Essentially, the person quoting is reposting the original link. That, unfortunate as it may be, puts them in the same boat as the original poster.
i see what is going on, i don't understand why.
so through the acknowledgment of a comment, others are subject to the same punishment as if they made the comment themselves. makes no sense. even if the comment falls under a gray area. so basically, nobody should ever quote a comment cause if a mod thinks it is against the forum rules, you will be subject to the same as the op.
seems a bit bass-ackwards. why not just delete the posts?
if i acknowledge a comment from a radical group that hates jews, then by simply quoting the statement, i automatically fall into the same group. at least by your reasoning, even if i am commenting to oppose the discriminatory statement. i should still be tarred and feathered and labeled as a neo-nazi.