(2010.Mar.16 12:15 AM)zenith Wrote: Cyberware removal was just too complicated and was canned.
Can I get some clarification on "canned"? As in it will NOT be implemented....EVER. ??? Please clarify that I've wasted what two years of not working other careers that could've benefited my character.
If it is what it is that's fine(not really but I'll deal) but I don't want to stop being the no.1 Medic just to have you spring cyberware removal on us in six months. Thanks for the honesty.
(2010.Mar.16 07:50 AM)thatthingufear Wrote: If we are in need of admins that much I would be fine if you hired ColonelIngus to do it. (if he had the qualifications)
OMG, I just fell out of my chair! Are we friends again?