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Full Version: Zen whats up?
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(2008.Dec.18 12:40 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]For the next month I will be focusing my time and energy entirely on finishing new code for the game. Err will be your primary source of contact for all in-game concerns while I go on my coding frenzy.

The last few months I've seen my coding time taken up by an increase of in-game and out-of-game AL issues, and it's time I refocused on what makes AL fresh.

I will still be around full-time like I always have been, but my primary focus will be coding new content for AL. During this time I request that your mails be directed toward Err, the Fed Jail King.

There are numerous awesome ideas by the community for additions/improvements that I have been unfortunately lagging on. There are a lot of things players have been waiting for such as new career abilities and new things to do, and I've failed to produce these things in a timely manner. I apologize for the delay, and hopefully this next month of refocused effort will help me catch up on code.

When are we going to see any of this? Since this has been posted we have tested and not put into actual use.

1) Cyberware removal - testing begin May 6th, 2009

2) Hideout turrets - added to BG August 20th, 2009

3) New attack code - testing begin January 13th, 2010

Yes we have had a few security updates to stop the bots, for this we are thankful most of us on here play honestly and by the rules. However you allow some multi's to still play even after they have admitted to other players they are a multi. After an outcry from the community such as with Bezaleel why not answer them. If he is truly not a multi why not answer the community and tell them he is full of shit and sucks at bragging?

The new university courses, Joshiwa asked you if you felt 25000 career was to much to ask for. You never responded to this question, although responding that 25000 career points is a reasonable amount to spend for a level of intel is absurd and would make you lose the small amount of credibility that you have left.

Something is going on Zen, this game is going downhill. Customer Service is SH_IT and we all know it. This used to have better customer service then the local hardware store now I feel like you could care less about anyone who is playing the game. Can you please let us know why things have gone to the shitter. Everyone wants to know, we have stuck around after everything has happened because we love the game, I feel we deserve some answers.

PS - I know I forget alot of things so help me out by mentioning how you feel you've been wronged.
Really wish people would stop whining, already, and wait.
This year I haven't emptied my email inbox, and I have 33k emails in there. I try to get to them all. When I use to have players email Err while I was away, they wouldn't... they'd just wait to mail me when I got back. A normal day of 400 or so emails would turn into 10 for Err.

Do i read every single forum post? I can't. It's impossible to read and respond to every post, respond to email, and code. We have moderators to help keep out the noise, but then they get ripped to shreds for doing their jobs.

Err leaving me in the dust without finishing what he was working on really set me back. Is it time for in-game staff? Yes. Will players be acceptable as in-game staff to the community is the million-dollar question. No matter what I do, the perception that in-game staff will have some sort of advantage over everyone else will always be there, and it's just not a good thing. No matter who gets picked, there will be objections.

I'd love to have 2-3 in-game staff members who could field questions, respond to disputes, and handle the daily tasks while I ignored everything and coded. If that happened, and I didn't have to do everything on my own, I think we can get back on track.

As for the code, I'm currently redoing and finishing Err's attack code. Cyberware removal was just too complicated and was canned. My primary goal is to finish Err's new attack code and then get the newest weapons out to shops. Then go from there.

As for someone admitting they were a multi... I must have missed the post.
400 mails a day? How many questions could people possibly have?

sounds like a lot of people mail zen for nothing...


Sheeeshus, suddenly I feel like a little worm on a big fuckin hook !
I would rather wait and have a working code in order then have something with bugs in it. You think people are complaining now(and I know I'm just as guilty as anybody) but imagine the chaos if a broken code is put out. We're bored b/c the game stalled, and we all know why. It's only natural for people to complain.
What would be the responsiblities of in-game staff members? If you feel as if this would help the game and give you more time for the important stuff (adding more content), then I feel you should do this. I just think you should be a little more discerning when selecting staff members, a Mod of any kind should never take disputes personally and rather just enforce the rules and settle things unbiasly. Its really not that hard, I might be willing to do it depending on the responsibilies.
Thanks for the response Zen.
Joshiwa's question can be found here.
If we are in need of admins that much I would be fine if you hired ColonelIngus to do it. (if he had the qualifications)
(2010.Mar.16 12:15 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]This year I haven't emptied my email inbox, and I have 33k emails in there. I try to get to them all. When I use to have players email Err while I was away, they wouldn't... they'd just wait to mail me when I got back. A normal day of 400 or so emails would turn into 10 for Err.

Do i read every single forum post? I can't. It's impossible to read and respond to every post, respond to email, and code. We have moderators to help keep out the noise, but then they get ripped to shreds for doing their jobs.

Err leaving me in the dust without finishing what he was working on really set me back. Is it time for in-game staff? Yes. Will players be acceptable as in-game staff to the community is the million-dollar question. No matter what I do, the perception that in-game staff will have some sort of advantage over everyone else will always be there, and it's just not a good thing. No matter who gets picked, there will be objections.

I'd love to have 2-3 in-game staff members who could field questions, respond to disputes, and handle the daily tasks while I ignored everything and coded. If that happened, and I didn't have to do everything on my own, I think we can get back on track.

As for the code, I'm currently redoing and finishing Err's attack code. Cyberware removal was just too complicated and was canned. My primary goal is to finish Err's new attack code and then get the newest weapons out to shops. Then go from there.

As for someone admitting they were a multi... I must have missed the post.

What qualities are you looking for in a admin? I'd give my char abilities to develop to help AL out. But not sure what the requirements are.


and if u need more help, i can be of assistance.
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