(2010.Mar.17 06:19 PM)killerrenegade Wrote: [ -> ]well power given to say mods would be limited. depending on what she feels is inportant for them to deal with.. as for coding and stuff like that would be left to her. no mod should ever be given full powers as admin.
mods deal with light work admins deal with the harder stuff. mods in this game would have to be picked carefuly. do to them handling mails and other stuff to help zen. all stuff that they see and do has to be kept to them selfs and should not be given out info to others. mods would work as a team trying to work out the problems that come up and be fair and by the rules with in the game it's self. many years of doing it. mods run side by side with zen an other admins. it could work here as long as mods and admins work together. the most inportant is not to kill the game and the fun. zen if you would like more info in this. let me know.
mods are for forums
admins are for the game
please read up
and no "mod" other than Zen or a hired off site person should have access to private information. It's not just mail, it's stats, etc, all private info would be made available to a member of the game, who is going to be in someone's rival gang, despite who they are. What "SHOULD be kept to themselves?"--someone's living in an ideal world! No offense, but you're a lil new here to know all the history, and why this can't work if they have any power other than answering mails and offering help....
(2010.Mar.17 05:22 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.17 03:35 PM)Eaglefreak Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.17 03:10 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.16 12:15 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Is it time for in-game staff? Yes. Will players be acceptable as in-game staff to the community is the million-dollar question.
I'd love to have 2-3 in-game staff members who could field questions, respond to disputes, and handle the daily tasks while I ignored everything and coded.
So in game staff would mainly be to answer questions.
But what does "respond" to disputes mean? Would they have authority, or the ability to take actions against players?
And what are "daily tasks". You as an admin can read mails, see our forums, take cash, or even a gang from a player (not that those weren't justified, but those are capabilities of an admin...) I do not see any person who has a vested interest in this game by having their own character here, having the ability to do any of these things, and something not going terribly wrong.
Even if a person agreed to quit their character to become an admin, they still have "friends" and "enemies" in the game.
I don't see any problem with having in game staff to answer questions, or try to be a moderator in a dispute (but without the power to actually do anything to another player).
But I cannot see any player having the ability to read private mails, or having the power to actually do anything to another player's character or property, without eventual hell breaking loose.
Zenith and Err if wanted to could play game (who's to say they don't have an actual character?). They have all these powers, so you're saying you wouldn't trust either of them either?
The point of in-game admin IS to do what your saying. Once again, if they "abuse" their "powers" do you not think that Zenith or Err has not put "history" in that they could not reverse any action taken by one of the "in-game" admins?
honestly, it's not really what the general public playing game prefers, it is more of a "common courtesy" that Zenith does (yes majority input does "sway" her and his desicion, but ultimately Zen and Err's desicion) .
Of course I trust, and did trust Err!
I'm saying that I don't want someone else who plays the game to have the ability to read private mails, they could include gang information, or bc some of us are friends on here, personal information.
But already speculating that Zen would have to reverse something an in-game admin did, is what I'm saying, something WILL go terribly wrong if they have the same abilities as Zen. It doesn't matter who it is, no one in this game can be THAT unbiased...
You CA have been one of the most level-headed and unbiased people I have met in this game, this is not a personal attack on Zen, you, or any person in particular in any way. I just don't see how it could work, without someone overstepping, or someone claiming someone did, which imo would only end up with someone being hosped, and if it was over issues where one character actually had full admin abilities over another, all I see is WWIII on AL, ending with a lot of people going out, the borg and hosp way.
I understand it is her decision, but having people who play the game have authority over others is after this amount of time, a BIG change, and not the game I signed up for, and not one I think I would want to play.
Best reason I have seen yet to get this started right a way!!!!!
You had to know someone would go there when you wrote that Cheetah.
zenith needs to anonymously set up two or three people that she feels can coherently and logically respond the the influx of complete and utter retardation of mails that the members of the community decide to send to the admin. nothing more, nothing less and completely anonymous.
"zenith needs to anonymously set up two or three people that she feels can coherently and logically respond"
Well looks like that excludes the Dingus
(2010.Mar.18 10:43 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]zenith needs to anonymously set up two or three people that she feels can coherently and logically respond the the influx of complete and utter retardation of mails that the members of the community decide to send to the admin. nothing more, nothing less and completely anonymous.
If you want the anonymity, you'd also have to pick tight-lipped players.
(2010.Mar.18 10:43 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]zenith needs to anonymously set up two or three people that she feels can coherently and logically respond the the influx of complete and utter retardation of mails that the members of the community decide to send to the admin. nothing more, nothing less and completely anonymous.
There are things that no in-game staff member will have access to Cheetah, because it's just not needed and/or would violate player privacy. It doesn't matter if they end up being players or non-players.
Needless to say, no in-game staff member would have the ability to alter stats, read emails of other players, or see personal information like email addresses, passwords (heck I can't see those, they are encrypted), or even full IP addresses. These are things that just can never be given out.
However, having the ability to revert a tragic mistake (like someone accidentally clicking a 60-day donator option twice instead of once) could be corrected. Or someone accidentally sending an item to an inactive instead of the player they intended. Pretty much anything that is in our log system would have the option to be "undone" with merely a click. Of course all events by an in-game staff member would likewise be logged for review.
I don't plan on handing out the keys without forethought. I'll probably slowly add specific tasks to the list with some form of checks and balances to ensure things are done appropriately. For example, first task would be to create an in-game support ticket system for mistakes and/or player reports.
just do it.. people are always gonna bitch about something anyways.. they complain when nothing gets done coding wise, they complain they never get there questions answered...
it has been apparent both cannot be done by one person efficiently, let some other player deal with the petty shit and you code like crazy...
(they = community as a whole)
(2010.Mar.18 11:58 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]just do it.. people are always gonna wimp about something anyways.. they complain when nothing gets done coding wise, they complain they never get there questions answered...
it has been apparent both cannot be done by one person efficiently, let some other player deal with the petty drek and you code like crazy...
(they = community as a whole)
You're gonna have complainers no matter what you do. Zen, I know you try your hardest to be diplomatic with things, not lose touch with your community, and take input from the community into consideration when you make decisions. But just pull the trigger on something if you want to. You're never going to make everyone happy, so it may be time to stop trying so hard to do so.
People will have to learn to just f'n accept your decisions for the game, or move on... this isn't a popularity contest and it's no biggie either way. Personally I think being too diplomatic creates more drama for yourself anyways. I told you years ago that you should outsource your inbox to India lol.