Term limits for mods
2009.Jan.04, 12:24 AM
Post: #51
thatthingufear Wrote:I like it, but Jola is never on the forums, so in my opinion she's not a good mod, if she were more active on the forums then I'm sure she would be a better mod.

Just because I don't post....doesn't mean I am not in the forums......

***Women are like phones: They like to be held, talked to, and touched often. But push the wrong button and your arse will be disconnected!***

**The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.**
2009.Jan.04, 12:25 AM
Post: #52
Jolabent Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:I like it, but Jola is never on the forums, so in my opinion she's not a good mod, if she were more active on the forums then I'm sure she would be a better mod.

Just because I don't post....doesn't mean I am not in the forums......

oh snap
2009.Jan.04, 12:25 AM
Post: #53
Jolabent Wrote:
thatthingufear Wrote:I like it, but Jola is never on the forums, so in my opinion she's not a good mod, if she were more active on the forums then I'm sure she would be a better mod.

Just because I don't post....doesn't mean I am not in the forums......
Hi Jola! 8)
2009.Jan.04, 12:28 AM
Post: #54
Still on Ush? What was the reason for that online attack? Was it that thread?

OOPS, should have waited for the reply. Can somebody tell me how to delete this until he posts? THanks. :wink:
2009.Jan.04, 12:29 AM
Post: #55
Scorpious Wrote:So if person #1 asks a friend who might be a mod to hit person #2 because person #1 was upset that person #2 was doing a poll and a mod initially said something about the poll and when replied back in the forums about said poll instead of limping away with their tail between their legs makes me wonder:

Was I attacked online by that mod because of my reply back, or did the mod get upset thinking I was taking his buddy's thunder and running said poll, or did the mod write his buddy and then have his buddy reply back with attacking him?

Anyone remember that thread or should I edit this post and link it?

I wish I kept the attack log there but it could be brought up by our host if said mod denies it

i remember the thread, it was over the 2007 most liked, after all the probs that was caused over it zen decided not to have a 2007 most liked , it was you and geek going at it about who was going to do it,but i do remember a certain mod hosping you over it because both was in the same gang at that time, but thats ancient history i guess
2009.Jan.04, 12:31 AM
Post: #56
Who hit you?

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2009.Jan.04, 12:33 AM
Post: #57
Not sure. Let's have Zenith pull it up. It isn't alot. Just that attack. Should be easy to see who hit me during that time.
2009.Jan.04, 12:34 AM
Post: #58
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Who hit you?

if i am correct you was one of them hosping him, but like i said ancient history, , and i may be mistaken.
2009.Jan.04, 12:36 AM
Post: #59
Yeah, ancient history.

This thread is about term limits for mods. Let's keep the following replies to that. I still think we need tem limits. So basically replies should be yes or no I think. Otherwise it gets to being off topic.

Does AL think we need term limits for mods and if said mods want to continue they need a 2/3 vote?
2009.Jan.04, 12:37 AM
Post: #60
TheGeek is not a mod. Nor was he ever. Nor will he ever be, lol.

I know of no mod that hits people online or offline, because of forum talk. That one is up for debate, as I only know of my own actions.

I have hit people during forum fights, but that was only due to in-game mail banter. I will hosp someone talking drek to me in game, but in the forums, I refuse to care that much what others think of me, lol.

It's a tough line to walk, sometimes I am in RP mode like in the SV/Val/Diss war, that was all role playing. But, right now I would be the mod. And sometimes it's actually me Smile

But again, no one has asked me to hit anyone due to a forum post, nor would I because of a forum post.. Other mods would have to weigh in, I try not to speak for them too much.

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