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if i had to guess i would say the leader right now is inbetween 400-500...which is insane lol
(2009.Nov.26 03:00 PM)jockpaul Wrote: [ -> ]any body got over 500 yet Winky

that post makes me wish i still did blow
I got 7 and howl I think said 11 earlier, but given how the turkeys get hard fast, I haven't made it past 25 rounds.... and I have very good stats for my level, that being said, I can't hold a candle with a vice grip to ClosedCasket.
my best streak is 10


my streak is 10. went like 30 rounds earlier.


(2009.Nov.26 03:14 PM)snorkelbill Wrote: [ -> ]Can anybody beat this streak?

Turkeys Defeated: 4

Turkeys Defeated: 8

Turkey Best : 21Winky


if ur not a level 30 or close to it mite as well give up. haha
(2009.Nov.26 04:06 PM)Face83 Wrote: [ -> ]if ur not a level 30 or close to it mite as well give up. haha
Level doesn't matter


(2009.Nov.26 04:10 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.26 04:06 PM)Face83 Wrote: [ -> ]if ur not a level 30 or close to it mite as well give up. haha
Level doesn't matter

so ur saying a low level has just as much chance to win? i dont think so.
if a level 10 wins this contest then ill believe that these contests dont lean towards the bigger guys winning
I, personally, think this is a contest that you'll see a lot of bigger level/stat players win or be at the top of the roster.
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