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whos got the most 265 here
I'm nearing 1,000.


(2009.Nov.26 08:37 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I'm nearing 1,000.

gotta see a screen shot on that one
You asked, not asked to be shown. Besides, it gives you something to work for when you see that final tally, huh?
if tommi hasnt refreshed, he has 550 tops at the moment.....just a guess tho...
(2009.Nov.26 08:51 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]if tommi hasnt refreshed, he has 550 tops at the moment.....just a guess tho...

Don't forget the 7 hours of sleep and time for the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Got another estimation?
(2009.Nov.26 08:55 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.26 08:51 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]if tommi hasnt refreshed, he has 550 tops at the moment.....just a guess tho...

Don't forget the 7 hours of sleep and time for the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Got another estimation?

i said tops....i was assuming you were a little lower than that maybe...but who knows, nor do i care really lol...
Sad You're no fun.
(2009.Nov.26 08:37 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I'm nearing 1,000.

My guess is around 650
Im thinking Tommi fooled you boys and trained today for the most part. 100 tops. Ninja
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