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(2009.Nov.27 11:29 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]The vast majority of people are afraid, especially when it comes to Pun & Cheetah.

You have only begun to know the meaning of the word afraid....
(2009.Nov.27 11:30 PM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Back on topic please. I just removed a section of this, and not by deleting it so I hope it didn't mess up the page count.

It worked, thanks weebs! We appreciate the effort put in to keep the threads neater.


(2009.Nov.27 11:41 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.27 11:29 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]The vast majority of people are afraid, especially when it comes to Pun & Cheetah.

You have only begun to know the meaning of the word afraid....

You can keep me in the hospital if you want, it won't change the fact that you gratuitously insulted a sister because of envy. You called her an ugly, common s lut without provocation. I've defended you when I thought you were wronged -- but in this instance, you're wrong. Hosp me at will, leave the Bees out of it.


(2009.Nov.28 12:03 AM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]You can keep me in the hospital if you want, it won't change the fact that you gratuitously insulted a sister because of envy. You called her an ugly, common s lut without provocation.

ENVY? Are you out of you're f'n mind? I look better at age 37, with two kids than her! I'm tired of e-w hores using the general forum trying to hook up, bc they THINK their boobs look good, and at the same time claiming they are in a happy relationship!

If you're in a happy relationship you don't send pics of your boobs! Period. If you do, you ARE a cheating s lut. Period.

Let them set up a separate forum/thread, for people who are "happy in their long term relationships" who still want to hook up with someone online, so that those of us who actually have morals, don't have to read their crap!


There's no harm done to you in what she's doing. If you're happily married, sexually satisfied and morally righteous, and have been so for 19 years, then lady... you don't care about Dusti.
(2009.Nov.28 12:26 AM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Period.
Well, that about sums it up, people. lol
Hmmm... comic wheels are turning =D


(2009.Nov.28 12:47 AM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]There's no harm done to you in what she's doing. If you're happily married, sexually satisfied and morally righteous, and have been so for 19 years, then lady... you don't care about Dusti.

That logically makes sense, and is actually correct. She's just annoying as can be, and I wish she could post her crap elsewhere! Every other thread seems to be "look at me and my boobs!"

Sorry, but I've seen better boobs, and FAR better faces, so it's just getting old, how unduly full of herself she is!
(2009.Nov.28 01:01 AM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]how unduly full of herself she is!

Hypocrisy is a very bad girl. Needs a spanking.
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