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so does each turkey have 240 hp?

anyone else seen that


(2009.Nov.26 04:22 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I, personally, think this is a contest that you'll see a lot of bigger level/stat players win or be at the top of the roster.

thank u! its a waste of time for any of the lower ppl. even me. and im not a super low level. def not high level either
(2009.Nov.26 04:24 PM)Face83 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.26 04:22 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I, personally, think this is a contest that you'll see a lot of bigger level/stat players win or be at the top of the roster.

thank u! its a waste of time for any of the lower ppl. even me. and im not a super low level. def not high level either

i agree, i've noticed the better the weapon i use, the better i do. So i'm sure everyone out there with level 60 weapons will do much better than me Neutral
wouldnt it mean higher lvl higher hp so goes more rounds and give them chances to get more turkeys ?
(2009.Nov.26 04:23 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]so does each turkey have 240 hp?

anyone else seen that

i dont see that...
Round 1:
Turkey 1 has entered combat!

You attack Turkey 1. You hit for 133 damage. Turkey 1 resists 2 damage for a total of 131 damage. You have killed Turkey 1!


i just think the contests should be able to be won by any and everybody. not just the big guys. the only one ive seen set up that way was the halloween contest. but i guess i just wont do anymore of them until im a level 50. then maybe ill have a chance to win


gotta remember the turkeys get stronger every round



greaT contest! I worked from 12-8, slept 8-4 but I will compete because it is fun!

I have no chance with 8 hours and no access to pay paypal
(2009.Nov.26 04:32 PM)Face83 Wrote: [ -> ]i just think the contests should be able to be won by any and everybody.

A level 3 won the Beer Store drinking contest. Never logged in again.
(2009.Nov.26 04:34 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.26 04:32 PM)Face83 Wrote: [ -> ]i just think the contests should be able to be won by any and everybody.

A level 3 won the Beer Store drinking contest. Never logged in again.

Joshiwa won that, hes still active....
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