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Total Turkey Tally : 652
Turkey Best : 10
no someone a lot higher though....
lawl I was jk, I use paint to modify that. My bro totally screwed me, he had a girl over and wanted me to stay away from my comp (right next to his room).... so I modded my page to mess with you guys =D
Thank you Zen it was fun!
its fun to sit back and watch the shots fired....youre so off the mark dusti rhodes
(2009.Nov.27 11:20 PM)rado360 Wrote: [ -> ]apparently not!
Common sense is rare. The vast majority of people are afraid, especially when it comes to Pun & Cheetah.
Back on topic please. I just removed a section of this, and not by deleting it so I hope it didn't mess up the page count.
(2009.Nov.27 11:29 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Edit
Quit making fun of me, already. It's not nice.
boo now im tired...night all
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