(2009.May.03 10:54 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]You did not answer my question.
How many times did wraith war your gang?
how many times in 24h, is a gang war considered farming?
I am being told your gang was attacked once, and you started hosping.
Seems a bit extreme.
I will also be hitting you online as you requested.
Also, someone brought up another good point.
We are the same level. How is me hitting you, me being a bully? lol
yes... for the little people, i hope you beat the frack out of her, i done nothing in that war, and for that i get all this,
3.May.09 Davina defeated you and left you in shame. Delete
3.May.09 WRAITHLORD sent you a Large Stim-pack. Delete
3.May.09 Cheetah hospitalized you. Delete
3.May.09 DarthPussInBoots busted you out of jail. Delete
3.May.09 WRAITHLORD sent you a Large Stim-pack. Delete
3.May.09 WRAITHLORD sent you a Double Stim-pack. Delete
3.May.09 Cheetah hospitalized you. Delete
3.May.09 WRAITHLORD sent 2 Small Stim-packs to you. Delete
3.May.09 WRAITHLORD sent you a Large Stim-pack. Delete
3.May.09 Cheetah hospitalized you. Delete
3.May.09 mrbadmood used his medical training to reduce your hospital stay by 34 minutes! Delete
3.May.09 mrbadmood used his medical training to reduce your hospital stay by 30 minutes! Delete
3.May.09 mrbadmood used his medical training to reduce your hospital stay by 21 minutes! Delete
3.May.09 mrbadmood used his medical training to reduce your hospital stay by 26 minutes! Delete
3.May.09 Cheetah hospitalized you.
thanks ush your a real, non power hungry higher level player, you have my total resepct