(2009.May.03 01:31 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's kind of petty..Don't people normally tell someone 'Suck it up and take your offline beatings'?
Stay out of this or you're next.
I would make some remark here, but then I've been gone to long to comment.
That's one ugly nurse, she must have a case of a cross of the bird and swine flu.......
(2009.May.03 08:36 AM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]Stay out of this or you're next.
I'd rather not. Go for it, though, seeing as I think you're petty, anyway.
this thread was a really bad idea. would you walk up to a serial killer and be all like "dude, i could TOTALLY woop your butt!" i didnt think so.
(2009.May.03 12:10 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]this thread was a really bad idea. would you walk up to a serial killer and be all like "dude, i could TOTALLY woop your butt!" i didnt think so.
It may have been but then again I ain't normal.........
I call like I see it and I'll own whatever comes my way..........Someone spends their AP to smoke me, I stim out and spend mine to train........

(2009.May.03 07:38 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]You can train with AP'S?
Good point...my mistake. I meant energy......Doh......