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(2009.May.03 08:49 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.03 12:10 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]this thread was a really bad idea. would you walk up to a serial killer and be all like "dude, i could TOTALLY woop your butt!" i didnt think so.

For once I agree with Poptart, and someone just posted a death wish!

i thought you agree with me more often than that Sad this hurts more than those several times.... that one time you prematurely hosped me Sad
so.... how bout them caps??


I think hell froze over and I've just agreed with Cheetah.

If you guys got 101 gang points out of a 4-member gang, you were milking them. If you were milking a gang with Cheetah in it, you completely deserved your faith and should be commended for your foolish bravery. And rightly hosp'd at will. It's the AL way.

I have no idea who she is as a person and I don't care. But I find DESPICABLE the fact that her damn KIDS were brought in on this publicly. You effin' people have no class.
Let me clarify something. The hosps happened after the war was over, not during. Additionally, this is was not about gloating at all. She blocked my mail and refused to have dialogue hence the thread.
(2009.May.04 04:45 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]I think hell froze over and I've just agreed with Cheetah.

If you guys got 101 gang points out of a 4-member gang, you were milking them. If you were milking a gang with Cheetah in it, you completely deserved your faith and should be commended for your foolish bravery. And rightly hosp'd at will. It's the AL way.

I have no idea who she is as a person and I don't care. But I find DESPICABLE the fact that her damn KIDS were brought in on this publicly. You effin' people have no class.

On one hamd given statistics, I don't think that it can qualify as milking; rather they had waaay too many GP saved up

(2009.May.04 10:41 AM)Bad1Attitude Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the important part of the war summary. you tell me was there farming going on or just a staight arse whoopin. 14 min 38 sec. Lots of farming going on there
War Start Time May 02 2009 - 11:11:13 pm
War End Time May 02 2009 - 11:25:51 pm
Send Cheetah a violin

On the other hand, I agree with you. Ad hominem attacks solve nothing, only show desperation. This has gotten waaaay out of hand, and you all need to chill down.
(2009.May.04 04:45 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea who she is as a person and I don't care. But I find DESPICABLE the fact that her damn KIDS were brought in on this publicly. You effin' people have no class.

read page 7,8 or 9. She brought them into discussion herself. and no one said anything after that.
well, the way it happened was that someone said to the effect of:

you play this game so much, maybe you should try being a parent some of the time, too

and she got angry over that

ANYWAY, no, they weren't being milked. it was 101 gang points from one war, that was under 15 minutes in length. thats not really milking. its just a damned lucky jackpot
(2009.May.04 04:45 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea who she is as a person and I don't care. But I find DESPICABLE the fact that her damn KIDS were brought in on this publicly. You effin' people have no class.

(2009.May.03 10:22 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.03 10:15 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Karma, proudly has done everything on her own.

She takes pride in taking care of our children and cannot be online 16 hours a day like you. Some things, like kids are more important than an online game.

I guess some women are better multi taskers and super moms than others!

I have 2 honor roll children, who kick butt at soccer, and have many, many other achievements. Both I have managed to raise while playing AL.

As for Karma having done everything on her own, I loaned her a PK, when she started, she's denied it, refused to return it, and all out lied about it. It's not the cost, obviously, it's the honor, something that obviously separates us.

Umm, Cheetah brought up the discussion about her children.
(2009.May.04 06:37 AM)Tessie Wrote: [ -> ]And Ush not the best way to act unless you've already tried your begging techniques to get in SVS and yes we've all seen the MSN logs with your begging to join SVS.

Rejoin, not join. Smile

And you actually bought that, lol. How simple you are little one. never heard of you before, you must be a blip on the AL radar, and time line. You nothing.


Alright, they weren't being milked then. They still attacked a gang with Cheetah in it - and nobody can claim ignorance on this one. They knew she was going to hosp them all before declaring.

As for the maternal skills thing - it didn't come from her, she didn't mention her kids first. I don't know and don't care about her worth as a mom or even a person. Even if I was the biggest bitch around (and from my experience Cheetah's not exactly a contender for Nicest Player 2009) - I'd expect other women to stand up with me and say - leave the damn kids out of this.
(2009.May.04 05:43 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.May.03 10:15 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Karma, proudly has done everything on her own.

She takes pride in taking care of our children and cannot be online 16 hours a day like you. Some things, like kids are more important than an online game.

Umm, Cheetah brought up the discussion about her children.

Ah come on Ush. That wasn't even thinly veiled. That was so outside the realm of subtle you could draw stick figures on it and make a meme about how Obvious is Obvious.
they really knew a hosp would occur if they declared on them?
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