(2009.May.03 06:40 PM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.03 12:10 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]this thread was a really bad idea. would you walk up to a serial killer and be all like "dude, i could TOTALLY woop your butt!" i didnt think so.
It may have been but then again I ain't normal.........
I call like I see it and I'll own whatever comes my way..........
For once I agree with Poptart, and someone just posted a death wish!
(2009.May.03 08:49 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.03 06:40 PM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.03 12:10 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]this thread was a really bad idea. would you walk up to a serial killer and be all like "dude, i could TOTALLY woop your butt!" i didnt think so.
It may have been but then again I ain't normal.........
I call like I see it and I'll own whatever comes my way..........
For once I agree with Poptart, and someone just posted a death wish!
Here kitty kitty kitty..........lol
Aren't there like 200-300 people that can hosp level 13's and 17's? I am trying to find out what Cheetah is bragging about.. ?
Here kitty kitty kitty..........lol
Wow, asking for it publicly, you're gonna get what you ask for!
(2009.May.03 09:03 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Aren't there like 200-300 people that can hosp level 13's and 17's? I am trying to find out what Cheetah is bragging about.. ?
this thread finally has potential.
(2009.May.03 09:03 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Aren't there like 200-300 people that can hosp level 13's and 17's? I am trying to find out what Cheetah is bragging about.. ?
as a supposed "moderator", you should know how to read a post.
The post is, if you farm us, your gang goes in the hosp.
There was no brag about hosping a certain LEVEL, read again you mod with ADD.
And there wasn't actually bragging, there was a mere warning, that we would prefer not to be farmed, and we will fight you back like hell if you try.
Did I put that in simple enough terms for you?!
Seriously, Cheetah is turning into just another one of those players with a huge ego.. come on.. bragging about beating people less than half your level.. just totally laughable.
(2009.May.03 08:16 AM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]I hope the points were worth it, bc this is what happens when you farm us, and this is with only one of us coming online (and yes, everyone I hosped was online, I left the offlines out of it):
Opponent Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Davefromaccounting hospitalize win 5 3 747 0 0 301
QuiGonJinn hospitalize win 11 6 1,259 0 0 294
BlitzKrieg hospitalize win 19 10 2,077 0 0 291
MeanMrMarrklarr hospitalize win 13 7 1,375 2 30 260
mrbadmood hospitalize win 19 7 1,565 0 0 280
WRAITHLORD hospitalize win 13 7 1,500 0 0 261
MeanMrMarrklarr hospitalize win 7 4 1,458 0 0 795
Davefromaccounting hospitalize win 7 4 918 0 0 276
WRAITHLORD hospitalize win 17 9 1,899 130 51 279
WRAITHLORD hospitalize win 13 6 1,737 0 0 751
Leo hospitalize win 15 7 1,447 169 166 228
Davefromaccounting hospitalize win 7 3 653 0 0 241
mrbadmood hospitalize win 5 3 679 0 0 269
TheWARLORD hospitalize win 5 2 1,106 0 0 831
BadAssAttitude hospitalize win 7 4 1,397 0 0 756
WRAITHLORD hospitalize win 17 7 2,356 78 194 904
Leo hospitalize win 11 6 2,068 116 81 639
Davefromaccounting hospitalize win 5 3 797 0 0 290
mrbadmood hospitalize win 15 7 1,489 0 0 261
So, who's next?
Any level 1's out there that wanna mess with me??? I'll blast ya, LOLOLOLOLOL
i do need a reason....common
mods using name calling, VERY RESPECTABLE!
Makes me wonder what the hell Zen was thinking....