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(2009.May.03 09:44 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Cheetah, your cursing in the forums makes you appear weak.
Cheetah, your hosping of poor defenseless players for gang warring you make you appear weak.
Cheetah, your gang itself makes you appear weak.
so, are you calling Cheetah weak? her signature tells another story. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Right after a war, she berserks me into fair, loses, then berserks me again (in fair), winning.
If you brag about hitting someone twice in order to beat them, you may appear weak.
(2009.May.03 09:24 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]mods using name calling, VERY RESPECTABLE!
Makes me wonder what the hell Zen was thinking....
That's the pot calling the kettle black. Cheetah is just having a temper tantrum. Or maybe it is a distemper tantrum. Take a midol and calm down!

(2009.May.03 09:38 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.May.03 09:26 PM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ].. You hosped me four times today.
You start a post with "cheetah you got farmed", what the hell do you expect to happen in return? BTW, you can update the count now on hosps.
I have lost track but I'll keep pulling the string and you just keep chasing it.........because it is apparent your not getting it and probably never will......
(2009.May.03 09:26 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Bragging about hosping online players less than half your level, because they gang warred you... hmmm.. SHAMEFUL!
Don't forget pounded them soundly...101 gang points

(2009.May.03 09:44 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Cheetah, your cursing in the forums makes you appear weak.
Cheetah, your hosping of poor defenseless players for gang warring you make you appear weak.
Cheetah, your gang itself makes you appear weak.
OUCH! Sure you don't have kitty cat claws?
The coward comment was because after the gang war she brutalized me and lost. Which I took as an accidental berserker attack on me because she thought we were still at war. So I didn't heal out of fair condition.. Thus the cowardly act of hitting me again outside of war online.
Just sad she has to break the players code in order to get a win, then brag about it.
Egotistical, cowardly, and bipolar are her actions.
other than ush stfu...or plan on time in the hosp...just stupid to provoke people stonger than yourself unless you really want to spend 30k on stims or wait out 6 hours in the hospital....ok whos next for our wars
Whatever! I'm just standing up for my gang. It's called HONOR, I know it's a word foreign to some, but look it up, you'd be surprised the friends you make, when you actually have it and use it!
(lol, post not pointed towards Pun obviously, he was posting at the same time....)
I seriously bet that if she could actually do anything in this game without piggybacking off the protection of Punisher, many players would have some respect for her. As she would have felt the joy of playing this game and put the hard work in necessary to achieve what she has. If she would have gotten where she is now "outside the shadow" of Punisher, I feel she would have more respect for the players of the community and the game admin.
However, she has a big mouth that gets her in trouble, and sees nothing wrong with whatever bad things she does in AL, because hubby will HAVE to back her up.
Nothing against Punisher, he has an obligation to back his wife up, just sad she has to take advantage of what he worked so hard for.
and that's why your wife is in your gang as well?
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