Vote Poptart for Mayor '08 and he will give all AL players the newest and latest features that his mind can invent!!!!!!
This Message is Approved and Paid for by the Poptart for Mayor Campaign
what about me?

youre already awesome-o. do you really need any more titles?
A vote against Poptart is a vote against freedom.
dispite my not getting along with awesomo in the past he does make a valid point bro. you are already AWESOMO
Dont vote poptart
Vote me Shadowkid

Wow, a lot of people hate freedom

apparently so

they dont want someone with a big mouth who has good ideas -.-
i wonder how many of them are voting for mccain?
FFS poptart, not these usa president things again :cry: thats all is in the news over here,
obama FTW, just get it over with barrack