i think we should rank the candidates based on alphabetical order A-Z
LOL yeah good idea phoney.
silly brits and your spelling..
abysmalpoptart Wrote:silly brits and your spelling..
Im a brit, and even i dont understand what SK writes sometimes! lol!

**Press Release**
Conrad to announce running mate within 24hours.
abysmalpoptart Wrote:....
**Press Release**
nobody cares
Look here AL. It is this type of depraved indifference to the community that we most surely do not need.
Weebay and Marlo will do all within our power to support any AL'ers voice, aligned or against our diplomatic stances. Our focus will be to raise the collective AL voice to those that matter, and ne'er think to dampen even one players point of view.
MarBey '08-'09
Marlo Wrote:abysmalpoptart Wrote:....
**Press Release**
nobody cares
Look here AL. It is this type of depraved indifference to the community that we most surely do not need.
Weebay and Marlo will do all within our power to support any AL'ers voice, aligned or against our diplomatic stances. Our focus will be to raise the collective AL voice to those that matter, and ne'er think to dampen even one players point of view.
MarBey '08-'09
I agree Marlo...and I plan on running a good clean race agaisnt you and your running mate..and my good friend..Weebay.
thank you very much, and good luck to you all.
For the betterment of AL and all that reside,