LikeWhoa Wrote:woah.... hold the phone.
what about me?
tags are fine, quit whining
TheMace Wrote:LikeWhoa Wrote:woah.... hold the phone.
what about me?
abysmalpoptart Wrote:tags are fine, quit whining
Tags cause arguments.
Give tags to those worthy of a tag

abysmalpoptart Wrote:TheMace Wrote:LikeWhoa Wrote:woah.... hold the phone.
what about me?
That sounds like German porn.
remove pointless threads and you'll have my vote
ShadowKid Wrote:abysmalpoptart Wrote:tags are fine, quit whining
Tags cause arguments.
Give tags to those worthy of a tag 
just because there are arguments doesnt mean that you have to settle
if that were the case, we'd have limits on how many times you can be attacked in a day, endurance would be trainable, careers would increase in stat gain every promotion, and you would be deported
SK i thought you first said you would abolish tags now you change your opinion on them, hmmmmmm
Sorry thats the forum mods jobs.
Ermm mr jag i said get rid of stupid tags not all tags.