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yea, but how many actually do? and how about the ones who permanently stay, like the Qwerty and his multis? Yoda? if their names are taken out of the POI, it won't matter about how much wealth they have anyways
biffbaffboff Wrote:criminals do not retire.Their transgressions follow them to the grave.Once a gangster/criminal that is it for life,no cushie retirement home 
Aw....people can change lol
shark24 Wrote:All this chatter won't likely change anything. Retirement district is here to stay, deal with it.
Wrong... Zen does pay attention to the forums and as well listens to what players have to say...
If the message about something being wrong with the game is loud enough, even if she doesn't agree. will likely change how things are done as long as she believes they wont have an adverse effect on the game...
I think you should get ONE shot at the retirement district. You can retire your character there one time, and ONE time only. If you choose to bring him back, then you shall never be able to return there again!
I think the middleway of the retirement district, while still keeping the wishes of the retired and the ones of the community who wants stepping stones, is to automatically remove players out of the retirement district after 1 year.
If they don't return to the game by then to say that they still want to be there, and if they do they can extend the stay for 6 months at a time. That way a player who really wants to be there will have to give it some dedication.
Well I do think we agree that it needs some type of reconfiguration. It's a little absurd to see players popping in and out of there like it was just any old district. Might also help make it a little more difficult for players to leave, if they knew they couldn't go back there as easily.
I agree with what you're saying Dru. It could also work sort of in the other way. I retire, then a week later I choose to come back. Now I shouldn't be able to go back to the retirement district for another year. So if it's that important to me I could log in and request it a year from then.
Weebay Wrote:Well I do think we agree that it needs some type of reconfiguration. It's a little absurd to see players popping in and out of there like it was just any old district.
I agree, I think Bren proved the retirement district probably needs to be closed. I like the idea of removing them from the district after a year of inactivity. I actually talked to Beelzebub today and asked if he actually cared that he was in the retirement district. He didn't even remember and said it was ok to take him out. So poof, he's back in there as a target.
For the time being, the retirement district is closed. I don't find it fair to remove those who just went in, but moving forward it's no longer available unless a better solution can be found.
woohoo ::does a little dance::
Heh. Cool. Now, they're just inactive, whoever's been gone for a long time.
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