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Thor Wrote:Inactive hunting does prevent a ton of whining though Razz

So true, but again- it's another point I've never truly understood. If someone hits me as I come online and offers stims, I refuse every time- I mean hell, why cry over something that's part of the game? I get treated like a punching bag by pretty much everyone, but that's life- I'm not the strongest around, and will take my share of hits. But, as when I retired, if I'm not playing I don't want to still be around as an XP source, I don't personally agree with that.

A stasis where you can put your character would be good- remove ability to use forum, or log into the game at all- if you log in, you're automatically put back in the database. Or have the shift to retirement district automatic after 3 months inactivity, and upon logging in- you're returned.

I think inactives shouldn't be XP sources, period.


LordSkie Wrote:I think inactives shouldn't be XP sources, period.

Sorry man, I just can't agree there. This game should grow with every single player that logs in and does 1 gym train. Regardless of the final outcome for that player, the end result is that he/she played the game, and will continue to help it grow, even in their absence...


true Marlo but at the rate of everyone qutting/retireing theres gonna be alot of XP stepping stones


but I don't honestly see where the game lies if 90% of it is simply hitting inactive players- I can't imagine that was what this game was designed for. The purpose is to hit other players- not have a database of inactive accounts to hit. The NPC's were created to fill that niche of having a few players to hit if there's no one else around, and I think that's all that's needed. If you're struggling to find active XP targets, that's your problem. Relying on inactive players to fill that gap... is not how I personally view the game.

But unless something changes, obviously I'll still be using those inactives, because undoubtedly it's an easier way to level. Easier however, doesn't always mean better in terms of the game.
There are SO few inactive players at higher levels that you can't depend on inactives alone to level. Also, inactives are good judges to show how your character is advancing.
Once your done then let it go...........Can't control it from the grave so why do think you should be able to here......I understand the want to control a bought and paid for player but why whine when your done......If you want to go...then go........let the others carry on........


This is total Bull...Shit your underminding peoples human rights like this if they have asked to go their then they stay there unless they move or atleast they have to go there with a good explanation not just im quitting etc....
ShadowKid Wrote:then they stay there unless they move or atleast they have to go there with a good explanation not just im quitting etc....

like: oh, i forgot to bank 1 million $ and i am going to be away for 3 days. i will IM Zen and tell her to put me in the retirement district ?!


Smh. alot of whiners in here. I think there should be a retirement district.
08.September.28 - Just so there is no confusion, the retirement district is closed and has been since the 24th based on this announcement in the forums.

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