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biffbaffboff Wrote:Weapons please zen 
yes i would love to see a new melee weapon (longblade) hint hint
Same here.

In all fairness i believe there is going to be at least one new weapon of each weapon type.
With the strength of the skills, and everyone focusing on different weapon types, Zen can not choose to only make new weapons for certain categories as this would discriminate against other weapon users.
New weapons New weapons!!!
I'd like to see a mid-grade set of weapons between the Highest now and the next step down.
I wanna win a contest and make a Golden Gun, like in James Bond. :shock:
It's got a few % down in accuracy, but always performs a critical when it hits someone. THAT would be a sweet weapon.
I wanna see Poison Darts. When used in combat you can momentarily stun the opposing player, lessening their dexterity and accuracy...
I have a feeling we were caught with our hand in the cookie jar and any additional items are being developed offline...
I noticed the lack of 500K - 600K weapons when the skills came out as well. It creates a gap for mid level players until they get to the stats needed for the current crop of level 50 items... but that is the way it is. Zen will change it if she wants, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.
infinite93 Wrote:I have a feeling we were caught with our hand in the cookie jar and any additional items are being developed offline... 
I noticed the lack of 500K - 600K weapons when the skills came out as well. It creates a gap for mid level players until they get to the stats needed for the current crop of level 50 items... but that is the way it is. Zen will change it if she wants, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.
repeated for emphasis
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