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Full Version: New Hospitalization code?
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ShadowKid Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:
ShadowKid Wrote:[quote="TommiTheTaco"]Some people do. It makes them feel big.

yesterday springs to mind with you

Why's that, Shadowkid? Because I brute you once to make a point, and you have your little brother come headstrong into a meat grinder? :shock:

Sounds like a hospitalization crazy person to me, smacking people because they need to quit attackin' me and hit up someone else, or because they wanna stick their heads up in another person's business only to get hacked down.

Good job. Want a cookie?

ZENEDIT - Over the line. No more or reading will be the only thing you can do today.

Anyway..I don't like this hospitalization code, but it's probably for the best.


Zen an easier solution for you to do this, is to do a poll.

Look at some of the idea's posted here and make a poll before jumping into this new coding please :wink: There seems to be alot of players against it.So maybe a compromise is needed.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Zen an easier solution for you to do this, is to do a poll.

Look at some of the idea's posted here and make a poll before jumping into this new coding please :wink: There seems to be alot of players against it.So maybe a compromise is needed.

There might be alot of people against it, Biff..But it is a necessary piece in this game, for those who don't know how to show some restraint.


People will cry about any code change she moves forward with.

Do what you want zen. It's your game.
Kirky1992 Wrote:
alinutza Wrote:
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Some people do. It makes them feel big

They're seeking attention?! Who knows; the wealthy people(some) will always be arogant and do what they please.
blah blah, thats old and dry, cry me a river

none of my posts have any connection to what happened to me(my AL character). It's what i think it happens in this game. If you judge everything subjectivelly, you will never understand anything.

If you at least try and read what others said and try to see if they are right or not, then things would be better for all of us. But if you reject what other say without thinking if they are true(or not), then you are very ...(the opposite of open-minded. i dont know how to say in English)

ZENEDIT - Over the line. No more or reading will be the only thing you can do today.

Yeah..Why do the modzis and Zenith both have to edit a whole thing of text because of one word? I think it's bullshit.


ZENEDIT : Happy reading for today.


This topic is turning into a slanging match....YET AGAIN. For god sake grow up and get back on topic.
ZENEDIT : Happy reading for today.


It is not the most difficult thing to assert your dominance over someone without having to hosp them all day. There are ways to keep some in line with a few words and a stern hit. Obviously this will not work in all cases, but some allow it to go overboard without ever trying to resolve anything.
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