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Echothrice Wrote:As a low level that recently suffered at the hands of the last big hosping war, I have one thing to say:
Suck it up.
This game is fun because of the possibilities. I responded to the constant hosps in two ways, by providing intel of who was currently at my location, and by staying serious or crit as much as possible.
So...there's my two bits.
I dont thnik that increase cost of hospitalization from 1/3 to full energy its good idea, especially that you want to do that for few whiners.
My gues is that people who complain and whine a lot will quit this game anyway no matter what you do.
Raf's totally right here. This seems to be a small minority of people that probably aren't cut out for a game like this in the first place.
More like those that are having issues with hosp's right now are probably getting what they deserve.In time their problem will be someone else's.If they keep their noses clean and play fair then there wont be any issue's.If they run their mouths its in anyone's interest to shut them up the best way they can.It made me tougher when i was being picked upon but i never complained or asked for assistance.I just got on with it,eat humble pie if needed then took my revenge when i was powerful enough too. :wink:
biffbaffboff Wrote:More like those that are having issues with hosp's right now are probably getting what they deserve.In time their problem will be someone else's.If they keep their noses clean and play fair then there wont be any issue's.If they run their mouths its in anyone's interest to shut them up the best way they can.It made me tougher when i was being picked upon but i never complained or asked for assistance.I just got on with it,eat humble pie if needed then took my revenge when i was powerful enough too. :wink:
Well said..I did the same learned my lesson the hard way. No just keep my mouth shut, unless i see something that is crazy. And then i approach it in a nice manner.
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