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Full Version: New Hospitalization code?
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Here is my issue.

There are more players now who don't understand when to stop with hospitalizations than there use to be (there are also a growing number of players who don't know when to stop provoking, but that's another issue). I am disturbed by the amount of players hospitalizing others for multiple days and having them quit. That's not what AL is about.

If you want to attack someone because they made you mad, that's fine. I see no problem with this. Teach the person a lesson. If they continue, then continue the beat down. But there has to be a point where you say to yourself "you know what, he's had enough" or "this is a waste of energy".

While many players show this personal restraint, there are plenty who do not. Some of these players tell me they are only trying to teach a lesson and then they will stop, but then turn around and mail others they won't stop until the other person quits. These types of players are why there was a code that dropped minutes to begin with; unfortunately it affected everyone.

There really needs to be some sort of cost associated with multiple hospitalizations, because currently that cost is players quitting. 1/3rd energy is just not enough. Perhaps as some have mentioned, requiring FULL energy to be able to pick a hospitalization is needed, but the cost remain the same (1/3 energy) or slightly increased (1/2 energy).

Changing all the attack options is really not an option. I'd rather keep it a little more simple than that. The other attack options don't put people in the hospital for 3+ hours.


Ok then rather than full energy for a hosp and the hosp code of lesser stays why not this.

1 or 2 hosps in 24 hrs it stays the same cost.

3 to 4 hosps in 24 hrs and its half full energy

5 hosps in 24 hrs and its full energy.

Sorted! :wink:
biffbaffboff Wrote:Ok then rather than full energy for a hosp and the hosp code of lesser stays why not this.

1 or 2 hosps in 24 hrs it stays the same cost.

3 to 4 hosps in 24 hrs and its half full energy

5 hosps in 24 hrs and its full energy.

Sorted! :wink:

No Biff, the prblem is not the code, players are the real problem!!
zenith Wrote:...(there are also a growing number of players who don't know when to stop provoking, but that's another issue)...

IMO actions must be taken by the admins in their case(mail ban and forum ban). If a player sends offensive mails to one player, he gets blocked and then continues to send to other players in the same gang(or friends of the first player involved), the he should definetly have his mail privileges taken away. If he continues to do the same after getinn his privilegfes back, them he should take avisit to the federaljail
Loki Wrote:We'll still offer paid hits. Reduced rate on online leaves, increased price on hospitalizations.

We're not going away.

That's the spirit, Loki.
alinutza Wrote:
zenith Wrote:...(there are also a growing number of players who don't know when to stop provoking, but that's another issue)...

IMO actions must be taken by the admins in their case(mail ban and forum ban). If a player sends offensive mails to one player, he gets blocked and then continues to send to other players in the same gang(or friends of the first player involved), the he should definetly have his mail privileges taken away. If he continues to do the same after getinn his privilegfes back, them he should take avisit to the federaljail

Like I said, that's another issue. Let's try to stay on topic please Smile
zenith Wrote:There are more players now who don't understand when to stop with hospitalizations than there use to be


just joking, dont be mad at me! Smile


My solution sorts out this problem.If you dont hosp alot only now and then, it makes sense it should cost you less to do the attack.If however you like to hosp alot then if you repeatedly do it then it will get more and more expensive for you.
zenith Wrote:
alinutza Wrote:
zenith Wrote:...(there are also a growing number of players who don't know when to stop provoking, but that's another issue)...

IMO actions must be taken by the admins in their case(mail ban and forum ban). If a player sends offensive mails to one player, he gets blocked and then continues to send to other players in the same gang(or friends of the first player involved), the he should definetly have his mail privileges taken away. If he continues to do the same after getinn his privilegfes back, them he should take avisit to the federaljail

Like I said, that's another issue. Let's try to stay on topic please Smile

ok, i was thinking at someting else related to hospitalizations.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Put it another way.

Mug= easy target little expenditure of energy to achieve your ambition.

Leave= dust up in the back alley.You give it a shot but its not worth killing yourself for if you lose.

Hospitalise= You stalk your prey looking to punish him/her for their crime.Little more effort required but generally done to a weaker opponent.

Zerk= All your energy put into one attack to defeat a player you normally could not.You go above and beyond your ability with rage and adrenalin.

There should be no reason why a zerk and a hosp should require the same amount of energy expenditure.Its way out of proportion.Zen think again Evil

Sorry for the double post, if I did..But didn't I say those exact words long, long, long ago in a forum topic far away?
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