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Loki Wrote:We'll still offer paid hits. Reduced rate on online leaves, increased price on hospitalizations.
We're not going away.
glad to hear that maybe the admins were trying to push you guys out of buisiness who knows but either way im glad the hosp time dont decrease but at full cost of ap its just stupid then zerk rage should at least be double time
That's a good point. If it costs as much to hosp, why not just blow target to poop with a zerk?
Half EN would probably make more sense.
But why start making sense now?
I think full energy is rediculous for a hosp.Now if it was half energy i can understand that.
Mugs should be 1 energy less than a leave.
Leave stays the same.
Hosp= half of your energy.
zerk stays the same.
Whats more why do muggings always end with an attack?It should be changed where 20% of the time there is no actual battle.You just point a gun at them and they hand it over.It would make things more interesting aswell as lower players can mug higher ones 20% of the time :wink:
Anyways it should only be half energy for a hosp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ShadowKid Wrote:Loki Wrote:We'll still offer paid hits. Reduced rate on online leaves, increased price on hospitalizations.
We're not going away.
Glad to hear that maybe the admins were trying to push you guys out of business. Who knows, but either way I'm glad the hosp time doesn't decrease, but at full cost of AP its just stupid. The zerk rage should at least be double time.
I can assure you the code change had nothing to do with pushing the Agency out of business. That's not Zen's style.
Also, corrected your punctuation. Maybe you can learn from it.
im not a fan of this.
also... i think the amount of energy it takes to attack someone, should be based upon the amount of rounds the fight lasts. it takes more energy to fight 65 rounds than it does 10 rounds. right?
Put it another way.
Mug= easy target little expenditure of energy to achieve your ambition.
Leave= dust up in the back alley.You give it a shot but its not worth killing yourself for if you lose.
Hospitalise= You stalk your prey looking to punish him/her for their crime.Little more effort required but generally done to a weaker opponent.
Zerk= All your energy put into one attack to defeat a player you normally could not.You go above and beyond your ability with rage and adrenalin.
There should be no reason why a zerk and a hosp should require the same amount of energy expenditure.Its way out of proportion.Zen think again
biffbaffboff Wrote:Put it another way.
Mug= easy target little expenditure of energy to achieve your ambition.
Leave= dust up in the back alley.You give it a shot but its not worth killing yourself for if you lose.
Hospitalise= You stalk your prey looking to punish him/her for their crime.Little more effort required but generally done to a weaker opponent.
Zerk= All your energy put into one attack to defeat a player you normally could not.You go above and beyond your ability with rage and adrenalin.
There should be no reason why a zerk and a hosp should require the same amount of energy expenditure.Its way out of proportion.Zen think again
very well stated.
biffbaffboff Wrote:Put it another way.
Mug= easy target little expenditure of energy to achieve your ambition.
Leave= dust up in the back alley.You give it a shot but its not worth killing yourself for if you lose.
Hospitalise= You stalk your prey looking to punish him/her for their crime.Little more effort required but generally done to a weaker opponent.
Zerk= All your energy put into one attack to defeat a player you normally could not.You go above and beyond your ability with rage and adrenalin.
There should be no reason why a zerk and a hosp should require the same amount of energy expenditure.Its way out of proportion.Zen think again
yea this new codes wack!
to hospitalize someone again you gotta wait 30-45 minutes so your pts refresh, i personally dont agree with that. also why would anyone wanna hospitalize anyone else anymore? brutalization cost the same amount of pts. i really dont like this new code coming into effect.
the problem with what everyone is saying is that hospitalizations are the source of many concerns and complaints among a large population of our players
hosping is generally fine (not at the time, but you know, as a part of the game), but some players, as we know, have seriously taken things too far more than just once, and it begins to detract from the gameplay, especially from the lower level crowd.
being able to keep someone in the hospital for a long time at little expense can be a burden for the one youre putting in the hospital, whether or not they deserved it. so someone called you a pigwhore. do they need to stay in the hosptal for 3 days straight? probably not.
sending someone a message should be just that - a message. if they continue, then continue the message. but that shouldnt mean they cant play the game anymore
i agree with one other point someone made - make berserking someone give a longer hospital visit, esp if it costs the same as a hospitalization now energy wise. that makes sense to me.
after all the attempted solutions to Hosping, i think this is a relatively fair one, as it eases the complaints of not being able to keep people in the hosp for long periods of time, but it actually costs something now, besides 15 minutes of regen.
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