Just a lil idea to make it easier to kep track of things, would it be possible to add "hours worked today" as well as the "Total hours worked overall". This would just make it easier for me (and hopefully others) to keep a line on when to spend the AP on work instead of crime.

badmanbren Wrote:Just a lil idea to make it easier to kep track of things, would it be possible to add "hours worked today" as well as the "Total hours worked overall". This would just make it easier for me (and hopefully others) to keep a line on when to spend the AP on work instead of crime. 
Awesome, I meant to post this myself. This would make it pretty easyily understood.
badmanbren Wrote:Just a lil idea to make it easier to kep track of things, would it be possible to add "hours worked today" as well as the "Total hours worked overall". This would just make it easier for me (and hopefully others) to keep a line on when to spend the AP on work instead of crime. 
I was going to post this, too. Like a little section while you're working your hours that say 3/8 or 5/8 or 8/8 then maybe a different color for OT hours worked-1/4 or 3/4? It's easy to lose track of hours worked when you have to wait for refreshes and you're off and doing other things.
The game just got more interesting. Well done.
gepetto Wrote:So, if I leave for a vacation in real life of lets say 3 weeks, I'll end up loosing my job in AL and all the points that went into it/promotions? Not much point in saving up for a promotion cause It's guaranteed I'll lose my job by the time I come back.
It was mentioned above that if you plan on being inactive quit your job. When you return, you will be rehired at the same level with no loss.
gepetto Wrote:So, if I leave for a vacation in real life of lets say 3 weeks, I'll end up loosing my job in AL and all the points that went into it/promotions? Not much point in saving up for a promotion cause It's guaranteed I'll lose my job by the time I come back.
You don't lose a rank or a job if you quit before leaving.
As for the guy who was in middle of a class, school still exist, it's only the job who has changed.
Quote:Jobs will no longer be a passive slow improvement to stats. Careers will require players to be active to receive benefits.
That is actually false. From the way it's said, I thought we would actually had to log on once an hour to work and get our points but it's not the case. Any1 can log on for 20-25 minutes and work a full 8 hours + 4 OT hours day.
I fail to see how it depends on activity and how it rewards those who spend 8+ hours a day online vs those who log in once or twice a day with 4-24 hours between each logs...
hydro9226 Wrote:That is actually false. From the way it's said, I thought we would actually had to log on once an hour to work and get our points but it's not the case. Any1 can log on for 20-25 minutes and work a full 8 hours + 4 OT hours day.
I fail to see how it depends on activity and how it rewards those who spend 8+ hours a day online vs those who log in once or twice a day with 4-24 hours between each logs...
Well the old code you could go on vacation for 7 days and know you had 7 days worth of job stats added to your account. Now you actually have to log in and do it. There was no way I was going to make it were players had to play for 8 hours or have it cost so much AP that you wouldn't be able to do anything else.
Yer I would rather when you go to work you're there for an hour, you can still do all other things but you can't do another hour until this hour is finished. Maybe the same for overtime or, it could be on overtime you can place 1-4 hours in the box you have to use all the usual AP as usal on overtime except if you're doing 4 hours, where you have to have full AP to aquire. (for 4 hours overtime straight) But on OT you can't do anything but look at pantheon hosptital and jail etc. No crimes, busting training. This is just a suggestion. Not saying I would like to see the OT bit though lol.