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vInDicaTed Wrote:Nice addition to the mental aspect of AL. Thanks for all the effort.
So, for those of us who were in the middle of a "Class", did we end up gaining anything? I know I was looking forward to the PE stat increases.
I''m also having to spend 6AP in my Martial Arts career.... which is a bit higher than the 2AP that was mentioned. Will all the Career require different amounts of AP?
I believe I mentioned 2 AP refreshes, not 2 AP's. The cost in that respect was actually lowered to somewhere around 1 refresh to a little over 1 refresh.
And the classes are not affected, it's just jobs.
Just noticed I put "2 AP" instead of "2 AP refreshes" in the first post in this topic. Missed a word there. My apologies.
syntheticdarkness Wrote:i disagree, you can google anyone now days. Plus the job they are in doesn't really define where they are trained. You might assume, but that doesn't make it so.
I see your point but most likely if your job is listed that is probably the area you've been focusing most of your training on.
My above post was directed towards a battlefield and when approaching your enemy. all you see is the color of their uniform but wouldn't know whether that person is a sharpshooter, mechanic, etc... and with all due respect your idea would be like putting a post-it note on the enemy's forehead which would be advantageous to the attacking gang.
Awesome upgrade, Z! LOVE the new careers. Adds a whole new dimension and strategy to the game with having to choose how exactly you want to spend your career points.

^^ yeah, but the "opponent" might have gotten that job a week ago because he needs his acc training boosted or sth (engineering) while he acctually was a martial artist all the time prior. Besides, Jobs being as cool as they are now, they still dont overcome the effects of good ol' hard 20/24h stat training.
So I'm pro job tags in the profiles.
Work Experience and Reputation, will later lvl promotions require a certain lvl of each (and will it be specified), otherwise im at a loss as to what these are now for.
Quote:Work Experience and Reputation, will later lvl promotions require a certain lvl of each (and will it be specified), otherwise im at a loss as to what these are now for
ZEN please tell us. I have worked hard to stay at the top of those two and would hate to think that i get nothing for it.
Was it worth the effort or are they two waste of time stats.
McCule Wrote:syntheticdarkness Wrote:i disagree, you can google anyone now days. Plus the job they are in doesn't really define where they are trained. You might assume, but that doesn't make it so.
I see your point but most likely if your job is listed that is probably the area you've been focusing most of your training on.
My above post was directed towards a battlefield and when approaching your enemy. all you see is the color of their uniform but wouldn't know whether that person is a sharpshooter, mechanic, etc... and with all due respect your idea would be like putting a post-it note on the enemy's forehead which would be advantageous to the attacking gang.
Awesome upgrade, Z! LOVE the new careers. Adds a whole new dimension and strategy to the game with having to choose how exactly you want to spend your career points. 
Well, if you come onto the battlefield and you see some guy carrying a wrench he may be an mechanic. If he is carrying a sniper rifle chances are he is a sharpshooter. A medical bag, a doc of some sort. LOL
Just a little $0.02 action here:
So, as I understand it, you have to SAVE points to move up in your career.
What if it was set up so that once you work a total of 500, then you get to mov eup, but at the same time, being able to spend your points while building up to 500. IE: it's more "lifelike", as real careers don't make you SAVE your hours to move ahead, but look at how long you have been working.
Just a thought. Regardless, this new Career System is awesome. Thanks Zen and Err.
I kinda like how you have to save them, kinda makes it a tradeoff on wether to train your skills up or try and move up the chain. Im still wondering about reputation and work in the question above as well...
ZEN please tell us. I have worked hard to stay at the top of those two and would hate to think that i get nothing for it.
Was it worth the effort or are they two waste of time stats.
Nice idea there Zap. I never thought of that myself. It is kind of true what you say there. People do move up with experience. From military who practice on the range and other martial skills and squad leader to a doctor who takes on more responsibilities to where the head doctor moves him up from taking care of maybe a few patients to an entire ward now. Same with the other careers as well. Manufacturers become well known because they improved a process, have a better product, and now they are well known for that product. Scientists publish in the scientific journals and are more known now, etc.....
So, if I leave for a vacation in real life of lets say 3 weeks, I'll end up loosing my job in AL and all the points that went into it/promotions? Not much point in saving up for a promotion cause It's guaranteed I'll lose my job by the time I come back.
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