2007.Jul.25, 07:28 PM
2007.Jul.25, 07:37 PM
Sir, Private Can, Reporting for duty!
Zen, this is awesome,
I make more money on the job than crimes all day! Plus I get yo upgrade my stats!
I love it! :massivegrin: :massivegrin:
Do you have to work an 8 hour day to be considered active?
Zen, this is awesome,
I make more money on the job than crimes all day! Plus I get yo upgrade my stats!
I love it! :massivegrin: :massivegrin:
Do you have to work an 8 hour day to be considered active?
2007.Jul.25, 07:39 PM
Oh, just noticed this.. lol http://www.awakenedlands.com/job.php
ahh memorys... that needs deleted zen!
ahh memorys... that needs deleted zen!
2007.Jul.25, 08:50 PM
googooflexy Wrote:Kinda gota agree with Sean, 60 development points takes me like...heck, a whole day of training if, now I can get on and earn it in 15 minutes..It takes me 2 1/2 refreshes to train 60 dev points in ACC so don't jump to conclusions too fast.

You should be happy you can get double training while it last, no?
2007.Jul.25, 08:58 PM
Kokozama Wrote:Oh, just noticed this.. lol http://www.awakenedlands.com/job.php
ahh memorys... that needs deleted zen!
The memories are long gone now lol.
2007.Jul.25, 10:50 PM
zenith Wrote:Career Ranks[/quote]
Careers ranks no longer have names. Ranks are now designated with a number. The higher the number, the more money, experience, and career points you will earn for each hour worked. Different ranks may also provide special abilities. Ranks are upgraded by spending career points for a promotion, and the maximum rank in any career is equal to your work experience rating.
Zenith, so you up your "rank" by saving up 500 career points and then a selection box will appear to get your promotion? thanks.
2007.Jul.25, 10:53 PM
McCule Wrote:Zenith, so you up your "rank" by saving up 500 career points and then a selection box will appear to get your promotion? thanks.
2007.Jul.25, 10:58 PM
syntheticdarkness Wrote:Zen, could we get a profession tag on our home page. Then people can look at us and see what profession we are in?I don't like this idea b/c then the opponent would be able to see most likely where our stats would be in certain areas, right? In real life you wouldn't be able to look at an enemy and know what their areas of expertise were...
2007.Jul.25, 11:04 PM
i disagree, you can google anyone now days. Plus the job they are in doesn't really define where they are trained. You might assume, but that doesn't make it so.
2007.Jul.25, 11:21 PM
Nice addition to the mental aspect of AL. Thanks for all the effort.
So, for those of us who were in the middle of a "Class", did we end up gaining anything? I know I was looking forward to the PE stat increases.
I''m also having to spend 6AP in my Martial Arts career.... which is a bit higher than the 2AP that was mentioned. Will all the Career require different amounts of AP?
So, for those of us who were in the middle of a "Class", did we end up gaining anything? I know I was looking forward to the PE stat increases.
I''m also having to spend 6AP in my Martial Arts career.... which is a bit higher than the 2AP that was mentioned. Will all the Career require different amounts of AP?