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Funny thing though is that I can get 3 and 4 points during the regular 8 hours but seem to get 1 and 2 points many times for OT. Is it really that hard in the medical field? LOL What say you RL docs. HEHE
I seem to get more on OT. :?
I have gotten 5 and 6 points before with one 7 point OT hour but it really irks me when I see that big "1" come up in OT. Thought it would be minimum 2 at least since it is time and a half. LOL
Used to get a few 7's here and there in OT's but last 2 days have given me only 1 and 2's, in OT.
Shhht Zen... :oops:
Randomness sucks huh?

Definitely sucks. LOL I can accept 1s on regular hours and 2s on OT but those darn 1s on OT are a real kick in the teeth. LOL
Still doing OK I guess on the career points. Spent the first couple days on stats and then saved the rest. Glad I am at least over 1/2 way to medic 2. HEHE
so i'm a level 2 athlete and so far, i've been getting about 2 work points every time i work an hour. doesn't seem like a promotion helped me out much here.
Any special bonuses/benefits for Athlete 2?
well if there is they are well hidden, not much return on the spend AP.
You get an extra dollar an hour, what more do you want!
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