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BabySeal Wrote:My initial reaction is that I dont like it.
The rewards promised seem to be greater than in the old system, but I guess time will tell on that one.
The thing that gets me is that I am making alot less money now and I actually have to invest AP into it now. The advances I made in the old system are lost now too.
I liked it that my work was something that was going on by itself before.
If the different carreer paths do open up new items or skills that will certainly be worth the effort.
Perhaps I speak to soon.
But thats my $.02.
Well if your wasting $$ on working, don't work.
Canosoup Wrote:Ya but you can take your career points and invest them in your stats, which in turn makes crimes easier, then you'll make more money and not worry about the miniscule amount of money from jobs.
So true CanMan. Nice post there getting to the point.

googooflexy Wrote:I kinda like how you have to save them, kinda makes it a tradeoff on wether to train your skills up or try and move up the chain. Im still wondering about reputation and work in the question above as well...
ZEN please tell us. I have worked hard to stay at the top of those two and would hate to think that i get nothing for it.
Was it worth the effort or are they two waste of time stats.
I was going to ask same thing. Where does work experience come into play? If we reach milestones for work experience points do we get promoted in all jobs or do we have to earn the 500 extra points per job? BTW I love the new career code because it does work out to similar money for the lower guys. I also kind of like the fact that job wise the lower guys are almost equal to the high level guys right now. It gives the newer more active players chances to build up there stats to competitive levels with the guys who have been members for a very long time even though they may not be near as active. Good work....
I'll restate.
The stat named "Work Experience" determines your maximum rating in any career. If you have a 2, then you can't go past 2 in any career rank.
Reputation is still important for the gym trainers available in the gym when training a stat. There will be more things reputation will be important for, but you'll probably have to wait until you advance in career ranks and start getting the special abilities.
And let me stress the following, special abilities start off as almost "teasers". They won't be insanely powerful in the beginning. But as you progress they will start to grow in power as well as having access to more and more abilities.
Sometimes you just gotta love the teasers.

zenith Wrote:I'll restate.
The stat named "Work Experience" determines your maximum rating in any career. If you have a 2, then you can't go past 2 in any career rank.
Reputation is still important for the gym trainers available in the gym when training a stat. There will be more things reputation will be important for, but you'll probably have to wait until you advance in career ranks and start getting the special abilities.
And let me stress the following, special abilities start off as almost "teasers". They won't be insanely powerful in the beginning. But as you progress they will start to grow in power as well as having access to more and more abilities.
So say for example my work Experience is 4 and I have finished all school class's the only way I can now get to rank 5 in my Career is by spending my job points to get it up as well as trying to save them to pay for the Promotion. If so cant see there been any points left to spend on stats if you want to be a high rank in you job.
I am sure that when we start having people get promoted to LVLs 3 and 4 the work XP will be alot more than it is now. It takes awhile for a person at a new job to get lots of experience from it. It doesn't happen right away. Right?

I agree with scorpious plus lets not forget that lvl 1-4/5 don't need much dev points to reach next rank, you invest around 100-150 points if your job gives at least 1:1 for work exp and you'll be level 4-5 in no time.
I just got back from vacation toaday and saw all the job changes. I just wanted to say thanx zen! I really like the concept of leveling up the jobs and the possibilities of gaining abilities with them.
Cool; i cant wait
Ive just got that info from Zenith:
Every job rank gives you on average +1 career point per hour worked. Some jobs earn more points per hour than others, but those usually cost more to advance in rank with. All careers have their own point conversions for stats that do not change as you increase in rank.
So basically when you advance in rank, you earn more points to spend on stats, but the conversion rate per point is the same.
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