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hydro9226 Wrote:Why does it say in the medical description that they are well known for the intelligence but it's 1 of their worst ratio of conversion??
Intel 0.15 per point
Accuracy 1.8 per point
other stats 0.7 per point
and so on.
0.15 conversion rate is higher than most other careers for intelligence.
Maybe we are supposed to be combat medics. Gotta get that ACC up more. LOL Probably low since in RL it already takes higher INT to get into that field. HEHE
The Career almost negates the gym. With my 15 Career Points i can get 60 development points towards accuracy. thats quite ridiulous. but i still think there should be some negligable gains just by having the job.
wonder if your job ability for medical will allow you to cut people's time in hosptial

As soon as I start saving my points starting tomorrow I will see if that option arises. Would be pretty cool to be able to lower times on people.

I know you can only work 12 hours total including overtime. Does that refresh 12:00am Server Time?
Pretty sure it does, just like everything else (school classes, old jobs, ect.)
Kinda gota agree with Sean, 60 development points takes me like...heck, a whole day of training if, now I can get on and earn it in 15 minutes..
Zen, could we get a profession tag on our home page. Then people can look at us and see what profession we are in?
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