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bumping so people can see all the stuff that needs to be done.

i know there are more ideas, but obviously NOTHING is being done, so i'm gona be lazy about updating this list.
these are all great ideas. everyone should go through and constructively suggest things in this manner.
yup.. keep suggesting...
can we make a list of famous armenian's next?
i have mentioned this one before but, how about a rank on stats with only active players taken into consideration.
i like that idea
i'd like to see cp use tracked. i'm in politics and would like to see how many minutes i've saved with sentence reductions and cheap bail. i'm sure others would like to see the number of hideout hp repaired, belts charged, hosp minutes saved, etc.
(2011.Sep.17 07:13 AM)FilthyMick Wrote: [ -> ]i like that idea
There all good ideas
gym day
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