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You could just be shown your own rank, like how you are shown a rank with each battle/work stats
(2011.Aug.14 09:51 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Aug.13 10:24 PM)shark24 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Aug.13 09:54 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]people dont want others to know their skills

that is different than stats?

yes, because you only have one weapon choice, so then everyone will know what it is.

if this is shown, then if zen ever implements armor with certain benefits vs. certain weapons (i.e. good vs rifles, bad vs short blades), then that will be a surefire way to beat your opponents

I can tell you what most top players use anyways...
not shotguns? :-P
^ is it opposite day?
(2011.Aug.14 08:56 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]not shotguns? :-P

My point exactly. Shotguns or axes, with VERY few exceptions. Those are the two that people are going to have skills built up, again, with a few notable exceptions. Anyone who truly cares can find out, so I hardly see how showing your skill level would be that big of a deal.
(2011.Aug.15 11:17 AM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Aug.14 08:56 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]not shotguns? :-P

My point exactly. Shotguns or axes, with VERY few exceptions. Those are the two that people are going to have skills built up, again, with a few notable exceptions. Anyone who truly cares can find out, so I hardly see how showing your skill level would be that big of a deal.

shotgun = good vs axes Wink
i'd like to see the tenbot credits added permanently. i thought there were some pretty cool things you could with them and think it would add to the game if they were openly traded or sold.
(2011.Aug.20 08:50 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]i'd like to see the tenbot credits added permanently. i thought there were some pretty cool things you could with them and think it would add to the game if they were openly traded or sold.

not a bad idea. also more stuff like tenbots (i.e. original items n stuff, not just new weapons armor and stims)
Id like to see the tenbot credits go away forever. Ive done my part to erase a ton of them. Thrillhouse's anyway.
lolz Razz
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