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other stuff i want adjusted:

crime and gym logs - make the default page when opening them the current year, with archives available at the bottom

fix up the whole jail situation. seriously. gym training that reduces happiness but u dont even get housing gains? silly. just silly
(2011.Aug.11 10:20 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]other stuff i want adjusted:

fix up the whole jail situation. seriously. gym training that reduces happiness but u dont even get housing gains? silly. just silly

Why is it silly? Surely if you're in jail you don't have the benefit of your own house?
(2011.Aug.11 10:20 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]other stuff i want adjusted:

crime and gym logs - make the default page when opening them the current year, with archives available at the bottom

fix up the whole jail situation. seriously. gym training that reduces happiness but u dont even get housing gains? silly. just silly

this would work if say you had some sort of house arrest. maybe that is another option to look at. either use your reputation or have it some skill you can train to be able to persuade the judge to give you your sentence at home....
Or maybe self bust should be energy and u can't gym train
(2011.Aug.12 04:37 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]Or maybe self bust should be energy and u can't gym train

(2011.Aug.12 12:48 AM)MrJones Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Aug.11 10:20 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]other stuff i want adjusted:

fix up the whole jail situation. seriously. gym training that reduces happiness but u dont even get housing gains? silly. just silly

Why is it silly? Surely if you're in jail you don't have the benefit of your own house?

+1 to poptart.

i've been to jail. personally i think i gained more from woking out there because i had nothing better to do, there for i trained harder and more frequently.
I just don't understand y u lose happiness training in the gym, n u don't get house gains ur house raises happiness, in jail u kno u r goin back to a mansion, I would stilll be happy. There's ur logix. Also I hear prisons have nice gyms and books and stuff. Seriously. For free, too. If anything u should get 500 happiness trains
(2011.Aug.12 11:06 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]I just don't understand y u lose happiness training in the gym, n u don't get house gains ur house raises happiness, in jail u kno u r goin back to a mansion, I would stilll be happy. There's ur logix. Also I hear prisons have nice gyms and books and stuff. Seriously. For free, too. If anything u should get 500 happiness trains

lets just assume as this is set in the future, jail isn't the wonderful and fun place you see on your television screen.

dude do crimes that you can handle and jail is something you shouldn't have to worry about.

or join a gang that actually helps bust your ass out (no homo) instead of most of its members logging in every other day.
im just saying, if we're going to jump on the logic bus, then lets think about this:

working out in jail makes you happier, b/c it gets your mind off of being beat down by guards and other inmates

you actually work out HARDER in jail to avoid being beat down by guards and other inmates

while in jail, you may actually be involved in beating down guards or other inmates

lets think about this for a second and incorporate it as such?
(2011.Aug.12 03:54 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]im just saying, if we're going to jump on the logic bus, then lets think about this:

working out in jail makes you happier, b/c it gets your mind off of being beat down by guards and other inmates

you actually work out HARDER in jail to avoid being beat down by guards and other inmates

while in jail, you may actually be involved in beating down guards or other inmates

lets think about this for a second and incorporate it as such?

lets just assume that if you try to beat down guards, they get the homo prisoners to run a train on your ass. not really going to make me happy.. you on the other hand may enjoy it.
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