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(2012.Jun.01 04:17 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]i'll herp, i'll derp....i'll BLOOOOOOWWW your house down!
(2012.Jun.01 07:48 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.May.31 09:28 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Monk says bring it pussy.
That statement would be funny if Monk had attacked me even once during this war, sadly he's not. Who's the pussy ?
Even cober has tried, even if it is just to save on stims lol
but then you gotta ask the question of, is he worth my time blah blah blah.

^^not the person to have insight on a hosping war as he ran from two of them in less than one week
(2012.Jun.01 08:47 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]^^not the person to have insight on a hosping war as he ran from two of them in less than "48 hours"
no need to be nice bout it

48 hours is less than a week
(2012.Jun.01 10:45 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]48 hours is less than a week
but more than a day.
(2012.Jun.01 08:47 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]^^not the person to have insight on a hosping war as he ran from two of them in less than one week
He's a liar to……………
i love that this thread was so popular
it was only popular due to the idiocy of the op
not dissimilar to the promqueen "bountry" thread
i didnt realise my thread got so much attention. funny
(2012.May.31 06:16 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]bump, does this still stand..?
if your selling. im buying

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