I would just like to make it known, that i don't use tears for lube. good old fashioned spit is still the lube of choice from the giggity machine. hey even blood is a lubricunt. yeah i spelled it wrong..

hahahaha...it will work AGAIN!
(2011.Feb.23 03:01 PM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]dingus sucks
need stims bro

? Dingus is just a little corrupt.
so what's this thread about?
(2011.Feb.23 11:34 AM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.23 07:58 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.23 01:22 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.22 04:11 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]This thread made the forums so much more interesting.
Monk, you really got devalued by 3mil.
I think when I started playing some gang was trying to keep someone in the hosp for a month or something like that. Actually I think it might of been Behemoth that the hits were for. Tommi maybe you can clarify that so I don't have to dig up the thread.
Hmm. Dissidence, maybe. I know when I left them, they fancied seeing me not play. Otherwise, I'm not sure if anyone else did.
Funny. Whatever is left of diss monk took to the 36th chamber where you reside now.
Kind of a false statement here I would say.
Not all of Diss are in 36th.
And actually believe there are more who aren't there then who are. But I might be wrong on that.
Sorry breeze. I forgot you came back, also raf is in DM.
I don't remember much of anyone else, maybe you could help me out
breeze, trogg, shoto, and andy residing in the habitat. raf and sxkitten in dm. johnny has his own gang... and gaz is still on mars.
all with their founder fed'd (biff not weebs)