(2011.Feb.23 08:50 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]but where is marlo?
In the mid-1980s, Timmirror Stanfield was a major Baltimore drug trafficker. In 1986 Stanfield was 25 and ran a gang which included over fifty members. The Stanfield gang controlled South Baltimore's Westport area and West Baltimore's Murphy Homes housing project.[26] The gang committed multiple murders, and drew the attention of authorities, who were able to persuade fifteen witnesses to testify. The core of the gang was convicted.[27] This real life criminal forms the basis of the character's origins while emphasizing the rise in brutality from the American heroin trade of the 1970s to the crack cocaine trade of the 1980s.
(2011.Feb.23 07:54 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]breeze, trogg, shoto, and andy residing in the habitat. raf and sxkitten in dm. johnny has his own gang... and gaz is still on mars.
all with their founder fed'd (biff not weebs)
You missed a couple bird,
Snow is in Dark Matter and rebel is flying solo right now.
and 8stars. she is in 7laws i think.

hahaha that cunt still plays
(2011.Feb.23 11:34 AM)doubtful Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.23 07:58 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.23 01:22 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Feb.22 04:11 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]This thread made the forums so much more interesting.
Monk, you really got devalued by 3mil.
I think when I started playing some gang was trying to keep someone in the hosp for a month or something like that. Actually I think it might of been Behemoth that the hits were for. Tommi maybe you can clarify that so I don't have to dig up the thread.
Hmm. Dissidence, maybe. I know when I left them, they fancied seeing me not play. Otherwise, I'm not sure if anyone else did.
Funny. Whatever is left of diss monk took to the 36th chamber where you reside now.
Kind of a false statement here I would say.
Not all of Diss are in 36th.
And actually believe there are more who aren't there then who are. But I might be wrong on that.
Pfff who cares. We are Dissidence. Zens working on changing the original Dissidence name to The 36th Chamber and doing the old switcharoo with us.
As for Slim Charles, Brother Mouzone, Breeze, Rebel Pawn, SxKitten, Johnny, Rafal, Storm Shadow, Mr.Fitz... I think those are all but I may still be forgetting some those are the real dissidents and it looks like most are in the Habitat or DM. Safe to say we are spread out.
You gotta cover all the area you can. Nice planning 36th Chamber of Dissidence.
i heard that zen said you guys could have that old dis hide out as long as monk and tommi perform a mung.
for those not aware of what a mung is....
You and a friend dig up a not-too-recently deceased woman, preferably over 60 years in age. You lay her face up on the ground and you put your mouth on her vagina. Your friend takes a running start and jumps onto her stomach. You eat whatever comes out into your mouth.
Do we have to do it again? Tommi forgot to hit record and I don't think I can eat a second helping.
EDIT: Also, that is the grossest thing i've ever seen or heard of.
(2011.Mar.19 02:51 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Do we have to do it again? Tommi forgot to hit record and I don't think I can eat a second helping.
EDIT: Also, that is the grossest thing i've ever seen or heard of.
Just wait until he tells you what Muck is