(2010.Apr.04 10:12 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.04 10:04 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.04 09:37 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.04 07:23 AM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]Personally, I disagree with even taking his unique and auctioning it off to make money for those who were burned. As others have stated, you take that risk when you loan money... I truly am sorry it was such an exorbitant amount though, hopefully this never happens to anyone again.
Steer clear, Zen. drek happens.
I agree. There are many of us that have been wronged in one way or another.... Tons of loans that weren't paid, items stolen, no money payment on FF winnings (you guys knew it was coming).
Zen should not do anything about this, IMO.
The axe should die with his character... Sucks... but it's part of the game.
But now you guys see why I have you mail ADMIN acknowledging the loans I give... to avoid any confusion and question should you go inactive/default on paying back large sums of money.
If you didn't insure it... you lose it.
your post makes no sense
Even if someone mails Zen she shouldn't be stepping in when people don't repay loans. As I recall you were charging for the loans so why should someone retrieve cash on a profit making scheme that didn't work out.
Good point.
I won't be loaning out any money anymore then - because I do feel like Zen should not get involved.
thanks for that loan though
Idea. new concept to al
Currently AL Bank had a monopoly. You can only deposit money in there and have a set interest rate. What if we have a bank or 2 to own by players.
That bank can have its own competitive interest rate.
Loans (rules and risk applies)
Youth program to help new players
Hold money for Fantasy football/pool/contests
The bank will loan out money with interest.
Contract(email) will be sent to zen for record and acknowledgement
If loan is not paid back, the back has the right to go into collections (hospitalize) with added interest. After 3 months, and still no repayment the bank will calim insurance as a bad lose. Zen will be the insurance company and will freeze account and repay 80-90% of the original loan amount (10-20% is the risk the bank will lose for making interest)
What do you guys think?
(2010.Apr.04 10:58 AM)konyen Wrote: [ -> ]Idea. new concept to al
Currently AL Bank had a monopoly. You can only deposit money in there and have a set interest rate. What if we have a bank or 2 to own by players.
That bank can have its own competitive interest rate.
Loans (rules and risk applies)
Youth program to help new players
Hold money for Fantasy football/pool/contests
The bank will loan out money with interest.
Contract(email) will be sent to zen for record and acknowledgement
If loan is not paid back, the back has the right to go into collections (hospitalize) with added interest. After 3 months, and still no repayment the bank will calim insurance as a bad lose. Zen will be the insurance company and will freeze account and repay 80-90% of the original loan amount (10-20% is the risk the bank will lose for making interest)
What do you guys think?
I think, what a waste of coding. Deal with people you trust & if they screw you, tough titty says the kitty but the milks still good.
(2010.Apr.04 10:58 AM)konyen Wrote: [ -> ]Idea. new concept to al
Currently AL Bank had a monopoly. You can only deposit money in there and have a set interest rate. What if we have a bank or 2 to own by players.
That bank can have its own competitive interest rate.
Loans (rules and risk applies)
Youth program to help new players
Hold money for Fantasy football/pool/contests
The bank will loan out money with interest.
Contract(email) will be sent to zen for record and acknowledgement
If loan is not paid back, the back has the right to go into collections (hospitalize) with added interest. After 3 months, and still no repayment the bank will calim insurance as a bad lose. Zen will be the insurance company and will freeze account and repay 80-90% of the original loan amount (10-20% is the risk the bank will lose for making interest)
What do you guys think?
No, having your company insured to give out loans, but not the average person creates an unfair advantage. Maybe if there were other types of businesses, but I vote against this idea. Bank idea is good, zen bailing you when you get burned is not. Your just adding another thing for her to worry about just to benefit yourself
Personally loaning is a lot like gambling... Never loan anyone more money that u can afford to lose.
I do occasionally give loans to ppl but if I don't trust you, then you aren't getting one. And if someone is offering you something that sounds too good to be true it probably is.
I also do credit checks if I don't know the person but they can give me names from other ppl who have loaned them money.
(2010.Apr.03 05:10 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]absolutely!
apparently if you cant pay it back, it's OK
Should have thought it out before loaning the money. In an business venture there is inherent risk. Your risk didn't pay off. Take it as a loss. Im sure if you average all your loans that paid interest you still show a gain.
Now act like a man and stop crying

(2010.Apr.04 10:23 AM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.03 02:57 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]you shouldn't loan out what you can't afford to lose. Anything I loan out I half expect to be burned
Can I borrow 3.9 big ones?
You sent $3 to UncleDave [25393].
rounded down cause i think your a fuckwit.
Focus should be that Jaysin got a life sentence.
His greatest dream! He's gonna sell at least 3 albums now!
If you have a contract with another player, what happen to that player if he breaks it?
This is the same concept as selling items. I sell you an axe, you pay me first and I will sent item. If both players agreed with the term, that's a contract.
In this case, I am selling you the time to use the 3.9 mil at $0 cost. When the time expire, I will need it back. If Jaysin refursed to pay QQ back, it's contract broken.
In most cases, the value lost is not that significant. Therefore, players can normally be able to handle it themself.
In some rare cases, like traidboy, sister/lynx, and this case, the value lost is too big. And, the disputes involves too many players. Unfortunately, the only way to resolve this type of case is from the admin.
(2010.Apr.05 01:05 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]If you have a contract with another player, what happen to that player if he breaks it?
This is the same concept as selling items. I sell you an axe, you pay me first and I will sent item. If both players agreed with the term, that's a contract.
In this case, I am selling you the time to use the 3.9 mil at $0 cost. When the time expire, I will need it back. If Jaysin refursed to pay QQ back, it's contract broken.
In most cases, the value lost is not that significant. Therefore, players can normally be able to handle it themself.
In some rare cases, like traidboy, sister/lynx, and this case, the value lost is too big. And, the disputes involves too many players. Unfortunately, the only way to resolve this type of case is from the admin.
The only way to solve these problems for admin to say don't do business with people you can't trust because if you do & get screwed I'm not getting involved.