Would coding all the mail options to send or not take more time and set Zen back further than if she handled it herself?
Not to mention sending a mail to one person and having it viewed by 5.
Not as easy as it sounds.
(2010.Mar.16 09:24 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Would coding all the mail options to send or not take more time and set Zen back further than if she handled it herself?
Not to mention sending a mail to one person and having it viewed by 5.
Not as easy as it sounds.
no she can give them their own form section that no one else has access to
If all of them view the message people can't say that people are playing favorites. If only 1 person reads it then its a waste of time because there will be 50 more threads complaining about how they are playing favorites.
Just let all the appointed admins view every message then vote in their own forum. A forum that only the appointed admins and Zen can view.
The problem with our ideas is while they are thought out with good intentions, no one really has a grasp on how long it takes to code these things into the game, myself included.
I think zen lives in cali, should be fairly easy to find a programmer to just program, with no prior affiliations to the game.
about 5 minutes,
all she would have to do is put something about it in the news and open a section in the forums and only allow the selected people in the forums.
or add it to the top of our home pages. not sure how long that would take
it would have to be an odd number for starters. I'd think of it as a kinda supreme court of AL. I liked joker's list but i think i would throw poptart in as well.
in other games i've played there are player admins who can mute/ suggest a ban on people, but it had to go to the game developer's admins for a ban. as for the gangs i think it would be better to put all player admins in their own gang, but i know most people won't like that idea and i don't blame them
What needs to be coded?
I'm saying just make a list of admins (which doesn't involve coding), if someone has a problem mail one of those admins (doesn't involve coding), and give them a special section in the forum so they can discuss the messages (doesn't involve coding). If those involve coding (I don't think they do) its not a lot of coding since any gang can request a private forum and let anyone join it.
I agree that someone else to help with coding would be nice but that is Zen's call and if she doesn't think that she needs another then she doesn't need one.
The position will require one to have a grasp of the English language.
This eliminates rambo and shadowkid.
(2010.Mar.16 09:43 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]The position will require one to have a grasp of the English language.
This eliminates rambo and shadowkid.
Thank God.
(2010.Mar.16 04:58 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]2693 Rafal }DIS{ 1291 68 M
4488 PUN SV 1145 66 M
7743 Cheetah SV 1017 61 F
2724 THEGENERAL ~Ri... 1289 60 M
5759 pHOWLriteINtheKisser ~Ri... 1084 59 F
3261 Ewok ^V^ 1217 56 M
2707 Nightrain ^V^ 1291 55 M
7430 randomjacker 1025 54 M
7630 g2o2d4wp -X- 1020 53 M
4589 Hannibal SV 1140 52 M
7500 Conrad SP^CE 1023 52 M
5518 Shadowguard S}{WL 1094 51 M
3874 Phisheva -X- 1181 50 M
4765 BlackPanther ^V^ 1135 50 M
4876 abysmalpoptart *WOLF* 1130 50 M
6401 konyen {7}... 1060 50 M
7905 w00k -X- 1011 50 M
I think if there is an ingame admin, it should be out of these people. They are our active, oldest/highest level players. There are higher level players but haven't been here as long. *****They deserve the chance if they want it. Basically they've been there done that. I disagree about taking away their character. They've worked to long on them. I do think they should be in the admin gang. Surely Zen isn't going to give them the ability to change their character in anyway. Maybe take their attack ability away and pay them in exprience? As far as favorites are concerned..... Damn get over it already, it's very very old news. If this gets the coding done do it already and get us the codes!
Fuck you! All them jackholes dont deserve to be staff, especially Conrad! I am the only who should be staff. Thanks for your vote.