(2010.Mar.16 12:15 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Is it time for in-game staff? Yes. Will players be acceptable as in-game staff to the community is the million-dollar question. No matter what I do, the perception that in-game staff will have some sort of advantage over everyone else will always be there, and it's just not a good thing. No matter who gets picked, there will be objections.
I'd love to have 2-3 in-game staff members who could field questions, respond to disputes, and handle the daily tasks while I ignored everything and coded. If that happened, and I didn't have to do everything on my own, I think we can get back on track.
Your vote is not anonymous.
100% yes and I should be one
i vote no cause the in game forum mods prove how little players can be trusted with even the slightest bit of power.
(2010.Mar.16 04:30 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]i vote no cause the in game forum mods prove how little players can be trusted with even the slightest bit of power.
He's right and the vote switch was a trick. I wanna change my vote. -1 to the whole idea.
Please post my post from the deleted thread here!
Thats crap. Who's modding this? I know you can merge threads!
(2010.Mar.16 04:34 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Please post my post from the deleted thread here!
I voted yes only because I have played games on both sides of the fence. When I stepped up to admin a game, I had to give up all rights to play the game. That sucked. But pay is good.

When I stepped down from admin because of school i was allowed to continue playing where I had left off.

I agreed.
I don't mind a player becoming an Admin. But, whoever is doing it must have the ability the analyzed the situation and solve it with a iron fist when necessary. And, they should always temporary disabled their account.
the thing with making the suspend there account is all good but its not going to stop them from talking to there friends on MSN or through mail...
2693 Rafal }DIS{ 1291 68 M
4488 PUN SV 1145 66 M
7743 Cheetah SV 1017 61 F
2724 THEGENERAL ~Ri... 1289 60 M
5759 pHOWLriteINtheKisser ~Ri... 1084 59 F
3261 Ewok ^V^ 1217 56 M
2707 Nightrain ^V^ 1291 55 M
7430 randomjacker 1025 54 M
7630 g2o2d4wp -X- 1020 53 M
4589 Hannibal SV 1140 52 M
7500 Conrad SP^CE 1023 52 M
5518 Shadowguard S}{WL 1094 51 M
3874 Phisheva -X- 1181 50 M
4765 BlackPanther ^V^ 1135 50 M
4876 abysmalpoptart *WOLF* 1130 50 M
6401 konyen {7}... 1060 50 M
7905 w00k -X- 1011 50 M
I think if there is an ingame admin, it should be out of these people. They are our active, oldest/highest level players. There are higher level players but haven't been here as long. *****They deserve the chance if they want it. Basically they've been there done that. I disagree about taking away their character. They've worked to long on them. I do think they should be in the admin gang. Surely Zen isn't going to give them the ability to change their character in anyway. Maybe take their attack ability away and pay them in exprience? As far as favorites are concerned..... Damn get over it already, it's very very old news. If this gets the coding done do it already and get us the codes!